WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 Are the world’s schools making inequality worse? by William Schmidt Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University The answer appears to be yes. Schooling plays a surprisingly large role in short-changing the most economically...
Journal of Education and Human Development: Llamado a publicar
Call for Papers Journal of Education and Human Development ISSN: 2334-296X (Print) 2334-2978 (Online) Journal of Education and Human Development is a peer-reviewed international journal. The journal publishes research manuscripts in the fields of education and human...
Veblen: ¿cuánto ha avanzado la sociología crítica de la universidad?
Professorial Anger, Then and Now Gwenda Kaczor for The Chronicle Review By Christopher Newfield OCTOBER 24, 2015 Thorstein Veblen wrote what would become The Higher Learning in America, published in 1918, at the turn of the century, as the modern research...
¿Enseña pensamiento crítico el pregrado?
The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 20, 2015 by Chronicle Staff Yes, Colleges Do Teach Critical-Thinking Skills, Study Finds Report: “Does College Teach Critical Thinking? A Meta-Analysis” Authors: Christopher R. Huber and Nathan R. Kuncel, both...
Dis opiniones adicionales sobre gratuidad
La Tercera, 16/10/2015 La glosa de la gratuidad y las arenas movedizas Por Andrés Sanfuentes, Diario Financiero, 16 de octubre de 2015 Hace pocas semanas murió Henning Mankell, el famoso escritor sueco que revitalizó la novela negra norteamericana de la gran...
Ex ministros de Educación sobre gratuidad 2016
Ex ministros de Educación exponen sus dudas sobre la gratuidad 2016 Harald Beyer, Sergio Bitar y José Pablo Arellano debatieron en foro de la U. del Desarrollo. por D. Muñoz, La Tercera, 16 de octubre Harald Beyer, ministro de Educación entre 2011 y 2013: “Un sistema...
Education Policy Analysis Archives
Education Policy Analysis Archives has just published 6 articles and 1 video commentary for the Special Issue on New public management & the new professional educator, Guest Co-Edited by Dr. Gary Anderson and Dr. Kathryn Herr: 1. Anderson, G. &...
Resultados de aprendizaje vía MOOCs
Do MOOCs Help? September 23, 2015 By Carl Straumsheim Unlike at colleges and universities, where students finish their studies and leave with a diploma, most learners who complete one of Coursera’s massive open online courses report benefits that help them in less...
Revista electrónica AERA open
Submit your manuscript to AERA Open!Dear Jose Joaquin Brunner, We noticed you may be interested in contributing research to AERA Open based on a Call for Papers we sent in August. AERA Open is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the American Educational...
Revista Perfiles Educativos, México
Tenemos el agrado de informarles que el Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación (IISUE) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), ha editado recientemente el número 150 de la Revista Perfiles Educativos, el cual se encuentra ya...
Aumento de cobertura en educación superior
Columnistas Viernes 02 de febrero de 2024 Aumento de cobertura en educación superior: ¿expectativas frustradas? Harald...
Ideas triunfantes o derrotadas
Ideas triunfantes o derrotadas "¿Qué ideas predominan hoy en, sobre y a través de la política? Difícil discernirlo"....
Elecciones de gobiernos 2024 y papel de la educación superior
How will universities fare in 2024’s ‘year of elections’? As countries that are home to around half of the world’s...
Noruega: Auge de la filosofía, las humanidades y la interdiscipliba
Five ERC grants: Philosophy is the new star at Oslo University Jan Petter Myklebust 19 January 2024 The discipline of...