The HE bill will sweep away self-regulation of standards. Whose fault is that? The Office for Students will kill off institutional autonomy, says Geoffrey Alderman, and the sector has only itself to blame By Geoffrey Alderman, June 9, 2016 Source: Miles Cole The...
Estudio inglés sobre diferencias sociales del salario de graduados
Graduates from wealthy backgrounds reap earnings benefits Major new research on graduate earnings by course and university shows social background is key By John Morgan, April 13, 2016 Graduates from richer family backgrounds earn significantly more than their less...
¿Cuantas horas trabaja un académico?
How many hours a week should academics work? Some surveys show faculty putting in at least 60 hours a week, but research casts doubt on whether this is a productive routine January 14, 2016 By David Matthews Twitter: @DavidMJourno How many hours do you work in a week?...
El Green paper sobre calidad de la docencia en Gran Bretaña
The higher education Green Paper: everything you need to know What Fulfilling Our Potential: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice means for the higher education sector November 6, 2015 By THE reporters The higher education Green Paper was published...
Marco de la buena enseñanza universitaria en Inglaterra
NOVEMBER 10 An Update on England’s Teaching Excellence Framework (Ver el documento del marco y comentarios sobre el mismo en este Blog mañana lunes 16 de noviembre) Last week, the UK Minister for Business Innovation and Skills (which is responsible for higher...
Alex Usher: Sobre politica inglesa de educacion superior
July 22 Summer Updates from Abroad (1): England’s Demented Student Loans Policies You’ll recall that the UK had an election in early May in which the Conservative Party, contrary to most polling, won a majority of seats, and thus was able to form a government without...
Reino Unido: Nuevos enfoques del aseguramiento de la calidad
Is ‘risk-based’ quality assurance too risky? The big game-changer ahead may not be plans to ‘root out bad teaching’ via a TEF, but a shift to light-touch quality assessment July 30 2015 By Jack Grove, Follow author on jgro_the By Chris Havergal, Follow author on...
Inglaterra: ¿marco de excelencia para la docencia universitaria?
How might a teaching excellence framework be built? As a vague policy commitment moves towards reality, Jack Grove assesses the potential ways and means July 23 2015 By Jack Grove When he was working on the Conservative Party’s 2015 manifesto earlier this year, Jo...
David Willerts ex ministro británico de universidades
David Willetts interview: ‘What I did was in the interests of young people’ The former universities minister discusses the reforms that reshaped higher education and his first steps into academia By John Gill, June 18 2015 Source: Julian Anderson It takes David...
¿Pisa para medir resultados de docencia universitaria?
OECD’s Ahelo project could transform university hierarchy 7 May 2015 | By John Morgan The UK must decide by 31 May whether to take the next step in a project aiming to measure learning outcomes at a global level Source: Paul Box/Report Digital Major adjustments: the...
Crisis de financiamiento en las universidades inglesas
Slow cuts or risk lasting harm, staff warn stricken universities Institutions ‘caught between a rock and hard place’...
Colombia: Conversación sobre estado de su educación superior
Colombia's Higher Ed Utopia or Illusion? Insights with Javier Botero Watch on Youtube Listen to the Podcast Latin...
La utilidad (sic) de las humanidades
The Hidden Utility of the Liberal Arts Why they often fail to make their case, and how they can. Bridging the...
Estabilidad laboral de docentes
Abandono docente en la educación pública llega sólo a 4% anual y profesores se mantendrían 25 años en ejercicio ...