
Izquierda y antielitismo en el laborismo británico

What Labour’s left populism could mean for universities Corbyn’s speech on setting ‘the people’ before ‘the privileged’ expressed a mood of anti-elitism already feeding through into education policy, writes John Morgan By John Morgan, September 25, 2019 Source: Getty...

Reporte sobre educación superior en Gran Bretaña

That Augar Report May 31st, 2019 - Alex Usher If you pay attention to UK higher education, you will know that yesterday the long-awaited Augar Report (technically, the Post-18 Review of Education and Funding: Independent Panel Report, but its usually named after its...

Recortas aranceles, sus efectos en Inglaterra q

Cutting tuition fees will turn universities into vassals of the state Simon Jenkins, The Guardia, 10 January, 2019 Lowering the cost of degrees will devastate university budgets. The state will bail them out – in exchange for more control Struggling UK universities...

Universidadrs británicas, austeridad

Higher education - The Guardian Richard Adams Education editor Tue 11 Dec 2018 19.46 GMT Struggling UK universities warn staff of possible job cuts Deteriorating balance sheets and political uncertainty blamed for redundancy threats Unions say cutting university staff...

Nueva ley de educación superior, Inglaterra

Be it enacted: The Higher Education and Research Act (2017) AUTHOR Wonkhe Ltd David Morris dgmorris295 David is Deputy Editor of Wonkhe. PUBLISHED Apr 27th 2017 Now with a bang, but with a quietly murmured “content”. The Higher Education and Research Act (2017), as of...