Escepticismo contra la digitalización del mundo El utopismo tecnoliberal ha ganado la batalla de las ideas y los tecnócratas actuales, dueños de los algoritmos, son la versión moderna de los antiguos sofistas. Frente a ellos, el escepticismo, si de algo puede sernos...
Estudiantes no parecen hacer trampa con la IA
Survey suggests students do not see use of AI as cheating Villano Qiriazi, Luca Lantero and Chiara Finocchietti 11 December 2024 Do students use ChatGPT to cheat? What constitutes an acceptable use of AI in supporting learning, writing essays, online exams, etc? And...
GPT y la academia
After a year of ChatGPT, is academia getting to grips with generative AI? Students love it but faculty typically hate it. Both are asking for help with it. But how close are institutions to devising AI policies that protect both academic integrity and student...
La inteligencia artificial en la educación
La inteligencia artificial en la educación puede ir mucho más allá de hacer la tarea Para aprovechar plenamente el potencial de esta herramienta se debe adoptar un paradigma educativo transformador que refuerce el pensamiento crítico VALTENCIR MENDES, 16 NOV 2023...
Liz Reisberg: Educación superior y transformación tecnológica
Tapping the support needed for educational transformation Liz Reisberg 04 November 2023 The International Conference on Educational Innovation, held annually on the campus of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (known as Tecnológico de...
Artes liberales e IA
Liberal arts universities in a ChatGPT era – How to adapt? Yojana Sharma 13 September 2023 A small liberal arts university in Asia appears an unlikely place for an engineering professor and data scientist. But Joe Qin, who took over as president of Lingnan University...
IA – Cómo controlarla en sociedades abiertas
Containing AI In Open Societies Both centralized giants and distributed tribes need checks and balances in the coming wave of innovation. NATHAN GARDELS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Andrei Cojocaru for Noema Magazine Mustafa Suleyman, a co-founder of DeepMind and former vice...
Aspectos éticos de la IA en la educación superior
Keeping human values at the heart of AI in higher education Jenny Dixon 14 August 2023 As a tidal wave of new technologies overtakes every area of higher education – from teaching and learning to assessment and course development – how do educators ensure that human...
Impacto de la IA en la experiencia estudiantil
How will AI alter the student experience? Experts weigh in Jenae Cohn 10 August 2023 Artificial intelligence and its implications for higher education are a hot topic right now. While global experts in higher education research and scholarship all agree that we need...
China: Uso de la IA en tareas académicas
Draft law sets out penalties for AI-aided academic writing Mimi Leung 01 September 2023 Students and academics who use artificial intelligence tools to ‘ghostwrite’ essays or dissertations risk having their degrees revoked according to a new draft Degree Law to...
Desafíos del liderazgo en universidades de los EEUU
Leading a university is set to become even more difficult John Aubrey Douglass 11 January 2025 Over the past five...
Acordar sin pausa
Acordar sin pausa "Sería un logro notable aprobar, por fin, una reforma previsional". José Joaquín Brunner, Viernes 24...
Sergio Lavandero, presidente del Instituto Chile sobre nuestra política de CyT
Sergio Lavandero González, científico chileno, casado, dos hijos, se formó íntegramente en el Instituto Nacional y la...
Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria Vol. 37 (1) 2025
Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria Vol. 37 Núm. 1 (2025) Número...