Presentamos a la comunidad nacional e internacional el primer número de nuestra revista Ciencia y Educación, 2022, Vol. 6 Núm. 1 (2022). DOI: // El Portal de Revistas Académicas del Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) es...
Conversación con M. Sandel sobre democracia
The Dark Side Of Meritocracy What began as a principle that seemed to offer an alternative to inequality has become instead a justification for inequality, argues Michael Sandel. Billy Clark for Noema Magazine INTERVIEWFUTURE OF DEMOCRACY DECEMBER 7, 2021...
Educacion superior e industria: Canadá
A Tech Talent University? February 23, 2022 | Alex Usher Late last week, Sheldon Levy, former President of Sheridan College & Ryerson University, former Deputy Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities of Ontario, and current Interim President of University...
Alex Usher: Microcrdenciales:¿a favor no en contra?
The Opposition to Micro-credentials February 16, 2022 | Alex Usher Following yesterday’s piece on developments in micro-credentials, I want to address what I see as the back-lash against them. I see theoretical and the practical objections emerging. The theoretical...
Manuel Gil Antón Colaboración para El Universal 19 de febrero, 2022 EL ESPEJISMO DE LAS CONSULTAS EDUCATIVAS ¿Por qué las consultas para generar, enriquecer, corregir o refutar proyectos que buscan ampliar las oportunidades de aprendizaje en el país, suelen ser...
Acceso desigual a la educación superior (OECD)
Which countries have the most unequal access to higher education? OECD data show that there are nations that have achieved more balance between major cities and other regions February 10, 2022 Simon Baker One of the key political debates of the past decade in much...
El esencial retorno a clases en la educación parvularia
El esencial retorno a clases en la educación parvularia Por Alejandra Cortázar, investigadora CEPI y vicepresidenta de la Fundación Educacional Oportunidad Hace algunos días se lanzó un estudio de Unicef y CIAE sobre educación parvularia y retorno a clases, donde se...
Alex Usher: Big Consulting en la educación superior
How Big Consulting thinks about Higher Education February 7, 2022 | Alex Usher A couple of weeks ago, David Kernohan at WonkHE, wrote a wonderfully cutting little piece about a new Ernst & Young report calling for a “fundamental re-think” of higher education, and...
Alex Usher sobre Rankings
Two Rankings Stories You May Have Missed February 2, 2022 | Alex Usher Today I want to discuss two interesting developments in rankings, one purely American and the other intriguingly transatlantic. The first is a new set of rankings published by Third Way, a vaguely...
OECD Digital Education Outlook, 2021
Pushing the Frontiers with Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Robots Executive Summary Digitalisation opens up new possibilities for education. While education has always been rich in data such as grades or administrative information on students’ absenteeism, the...
Hans de Wit: Undoing internationalisation is a problem, not a solution
Undoing internationalisation is a problem, not a solution Hans de Wit 04 December 2024 Looking at the current debate...
Nota de G. Elacqua sobre reciente trabajo inequidad racial en educación de Brasil
New report: The Vicious Cycle of Racial Inequality in Brazilian Education I wanted to share key findings from our new...
Con Alex Usher sobre ESTP en China
The World of Higher Education DECEMBER 5, 2024 | ALEX USHER EPISODE 3.13 Skilled for the Future: How China is...
Conductas e ideas políticas
Conductas e ideas políticas "A derecha e izquierda reina el desconcierto de ideas y una dispersión de las conductas...