
Subsecretaria de Educación Superior – Chile

Verónica Figueroa Huencho: “Nuestro programa de educación superior está atravesado por la plurinacionalidad” La primera mujer mapuche en llegar a la subsecretaría de Educación plantea que las aulas deben reflejar “los conocimientos de las distintas naciones que...

¿Anarquías organizadas?

Organised anarchy? UCL research supremo on steering science giant Outgoing vice-provost David Price reflects on changes during his 15-year tenure, plus how the REF and scholarly publishing should change May 31, 2022 Jack Grove “This is possibly the most enjoyable job...

Sobre texto constitucional y CAE

[divider scroll_text="SCROLL_TEXT"] José Joaquín Brunner arremete contra borrador constitucional y considera “inviable” condonación del CAE Diario de la educación 13 de Junio del 2022 El otrora vocero del gobierno del ex Presidente, Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, y actual...

USA: Estudiantes desconectados, no involucrados

A ‘Stunning’ Level of Student Disconnection Professors are reporting record numbers of students checked out, stressed out, and unsure of their future. By Beth McMurtrie, APRIL 5, 2022 In 20 years of teaching at Doane University, Kate Marley has never seen anything...

Post Covid: ¿Oportunidad perdida?

US ‘risks missing out’ on long-term benefits of online learning Virtual tools have unprecedented power to bend teaching towards research-proven ideals, yet opportunity of lockdown getting squandered, MIT experts tell colleagues May 11, 2022 Paul Basken US universities...