UK universities face up to Brexit after Tory election win Science spending increase, research funding system revamp, targeting of ‘low-quality courses’ among other potential implications from result December 13, 2019 By John Morgan The certainty that Brexit will...
Esquemas de ayuda estudiantil comparados
An International Final Four: Which Country Handles Student Debt Best? In America, college student loan defaults are a really big problem. In Australia? No worries. By Matthew Chingos and Susan Dynarski, April 2, 2018 We chose these nations to learn from the...
Alex Usher sobre debate de aranceles en Inglaterra
England has lost its damn mind over tuition fees Posted on July 10, 2017 by Alex Usher Ok, I said I wouldn’t write over the summer unless someone of importance said something titanically stupid. Andrew Adonis, architect of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair’s...
Mirada desde el MIT al aprendizaje de los estudiantes
President turns MIT’s research might to study of how people learn ‘If we don’t know how we learn, how on earth do we know how to teach?’ says L. Rafael Reif, who tells Ellie Bothwell how the research giant is working to improve teaching practice March 23, 2017 By...
Cambios a legislación inglesa de educación superior
HE bill: why universities are not supermarkets Commentator Martin Wolf examines the economic flaws and false assumptions of the Higher Education and Research Bill February 16, 2017 By Martin Wolf The UK government’s controversial plans for reform of higher education...
Las instituciones tienen que preocuparse de su propia sostenibilidad económica
José Joaquín Brunner plantea que las instituciones tienen que preocuparse de su propia sostenibilidad económica...
Paris: difícil situación de colegios
Aulas llenas con alumnos de cursos diferentes: el ‘efecto Airbnb’ y la caída demográfica precarizan las escuelas del...
Trump culpa al Departamento de Educación
Trump culpa al Departamento de Educación de los malos resultados escolares: “Vamos a cerrarlo. No nos está sirviendo...
Educación XXI: problemas de adolescencia
Educación XXI: problemas de adolescencia José Joaquín Brunner, 23 de marzo de 2025 Es posible que gran parte de la...