El secreto de Polonia para convertirse en una potencia en educación en apenas 20 años Paula Adamo Idoeta, BBC News Brasil en Sao Paulo, 18.12.2019 El éxito polaco, cuyas puntuaciones superan incluso las medidas de la propia OCDE, llama la atención porque ocurre en un...
PISA 2018: TRAYECTORIAS DE MEJORA EN CHILE Y EL MUNDO El objetivo de la prueba PISA es evaluar conocimientos y habilidades de los estudiantes y vincular datos de los alumnos, profesores, escuelas y sistemas para entender las diferencias en los desempeños escolares. El...
Autonomia e Regulação das Universidades
Autonomia e Regulação das Universidades By Simon on Dec 13, 2019 09:20 am (Versão revista do artigo publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 13 de dezembro de 2019 O Triângulo de Clark O mundo dá voltas. No início do período Lula, o governo criou uma Comissão para...
Le informamos que el I FORO IBEROAMERICANO de la CALIDAD de la EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR y de la INVESTIGACIÓN se celebrará en Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), del 30 de marzo al 1 de abril de 2020. Precios reducidos para el personal de esta Universidad/entidad Avance...
Serie de 4 artículos de Alex Usher sobre créditos estudiantiles
DESIGNING STUDENT AID PROGRAMS FROM SCRATCH (1) DECEMBER 2, 2019 | ALEX USHER Over the years, I have concluded that one of the reasons policy debate can be so stifling is we’re usually debating options within existing policy parameters: that is, “fixes” to existing...
Universidades británicas tras elección conservadora
UK universities face up to Brexit after Tory election win Science spending increase, research funding system revamp, targeting of ‘low-quality courses’ among other potential implications from result December 13, 2019 By John Morgan The certainty that Brexit will...
Reforma educación superior en Polonia
Polish Higher Education Reforms December 9th, 2019 - Alex Usher I was briefly in Warsaw last week talking about university rankings and how to improve overall institutional performance. Poland is one of the most interesting higher education systems in the world right...
Universidades: Planificación en organizaciones ambigua
Strategic Planning for Ambiguous Organizations November 25th, 2019 - Alex Usher I have been doing a fair bit of strategic planning work recently and one mantra that people like repeating when it comes this kind of exercise is “we’re not like a business, so we can’t...
¿Suprimir el pago de aranceles?
Governments need to think carefully about eliminating tuition fees The Labour Party in the UK, like the Democrats in the US, hopes to be elected on a policy of abolishing student fees. Roger Smyth draws on the experience of New Zealand to challenge the rationale for...
Acceso a la educación superior en países nórdicos
View as Webpage Nordic Student Aid, Nordic Access November 20th, 2019 - Alex Usher A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a little bit about Nordic countries and some of the trade-offs they consider in order to keep tuition fees at zero when public funding is under stress. I...
Fundación AEQUALIS inauguró actividades 2024
Fundación AEQUALIS inauguró actividades 2024 mayo 02, 2024 Con un saludo en el que valoró la labor desarrollada por...
Iliberalismo se toma agenda global de las universidades
New deceptions: How illiberalism is hijacking the university Jo-Anne Dillabough and Andrea Peto 04 May 2024 In recent...
Liberad académica por Louis Menand
ACADEMIC FREEDOM UNDER FIRE Politicians despise it. Administrators aren’t defending it. But it made our universities...
MINEDUC en tren defensivo
Encuentro Nacional de Educación de Partidos de Gobierno: el ‘cataldazo’ oficialista ante la arremetida de la oposición...