How to Make Policy February 12th 2020 - Alex Usher Take a ride with me. First stop, London, England. UK university funding is handled by an intermediate institution known as the Office for Students (OfS). The Government decides on the amount of money it wants to spend...
Pago de la deuda estudiantil en USA
Growing Federal Subsidies for Graduate Loan Debt Almost half of federal student loans are being repaid through more generous income-driven repayment plans, new data show, with 80 percent of government subsidies now going to graduate student borrowers. Almost half of...
Barreras a la movilidad social en EEUU
The Barriers to Mobility Why Higher Ed’s Promise Remains Unfulfilled Kevin Van Aelst for The Chronicle December 31, 2019 By KARIN FISCHER For generations of Americans, higher education was a ladder — study hard and you could climb into the middle class. A college...
¿Estamos preparados para lo que viene?
Columnistas Domingo 09 de febrero de 2020 ¿Estamos preparados para lo que viene? "El futuro trato de la educación superior por parte del Estado y la proyección de las instituciones en un contexto de fuerte politizació, como viviremos al menos hasta 2025, es algo mucho...
Universidad de California mantendrá pruebas de admisión
UC Faculty: Keep Tests, for Now The University of California's Academic Senate declines to endorse test-optional admissions policies for the system. By Lilah Burke February 4, 2020 The Academic Senate of the University of California assembled a task force in 2018 to...
Primarias en EEUU y propuestas demócratas para la educación superior
View as Webpage Higher Education and the Democratic Primaries, 2020 February 3rd 2020 - Alex Usher The Iowa caucuses take place south of the border tonight. The Democratic Primary has come down to four serious candidates – Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete...
Simon Marginson: Universidades británicas tras el Brexit
How should the UK position itself in the new geopolitics of higher education? With Brexit, we’re on the precipice of a new world order, but UK universities have first mover advantage if they act fast, says Simon Marginson January 30, 2020 By Simon Marginson Tomorrow...
Jornada laboral académica
WORKING HOURS JANUARY 29, 2020 | ALEX USHER I was intrigued to read this story in the Times Higher Education about Dutch academics complaining about having to work “structural unpaid overtime” of 12-15 hours per week, which this report says is 36% above their regular...
Ranking THE de universidades más internacionalizadas en el mundo
LATEST RANKINGS Most international universities in the world Explore the most international universities in the world using data from the Times Higher Education World University Rankings January 28 2020 Universities, by their nature, are global institutions....
Aprendizajes: Tendencia y crisis
15 January 2020 Global Education Alert Latest news and trends in knowledge and learning for the future JANUARY 3, 2020 Lee Crawfurd and Susannah Hares Follow The “tens” are over and it’s been quite a decade in global education. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)...
Vol. 36 Núm. 2 (2024) – Más allá de lo humano: exploraciones posthumanistas en
RevistaTeoría de la Educación ¿Transhumanismo “contra” educación? José Luis Gaviria La pedagogía ante el desafío...
U de Harvard : por qué y cuándo emitir pronunciamientos oficiales
Harvard Should Say Less. Maybe All Schools Should By Noah Feldman and Alison Simmons, May 28, 2024 Dr. Feldman is a...
Revista Páginas de Educación: Vol. 17 Núm. 1 (2024)
Vol. 17 Núm. 1 (2024): Páginas de Educación Páginas de Educación adoptó la práctica de publicación continua de...
Marcelo Rebossi: Argentina y la educación superior
Abandono escolar, el factor Neustadt y la revancha educativa "Estoy dentro del 86% que no terminó en tiempo y forma”,...