
OECD: Impuestos y mejor educación

Creating a virtuous circle between better education and a more sustainable tax system OECD Education and Skills TodayJune 30, 2020education, PISA for Development, UN SDG 4: Education Post navigation By Michelle Harding Head of the Tax Data and Statistical Analysis...

EE. UU.: Puntos críticos de la educación superior

This Will Be One of the Worst Months in the History of Higher Education Layoffs, declarations of financial exigency, and closures are imminent. Here’s who’s most at risk. By Robert Kelchen JULY 07, 2020  PREMIUM Summer is usually a period of relative calm for most of...

Universidades estatales frente a ampliación del CAE

Universidades estatales en picada contra ampliación del CAE en plan clase media de Piñera: “Es un retroceso” por El Mostrador 6 julio, 2020 El pasado domingo, el Presidente Sebastián Piñera anunció un paquete de medidas para ayudar a la clase media, que ha sido...

PANEL: The pandemic and the future of university education

CGHE SEMINAR 142 PANEL: The pandemic and the future of university education Register here                 Date: Thursday 9 July 2020, 14:00-15.00 (GMT) Zoom webinar: Register here Jenni Case, Virginia Tech (US) Dr Amanda Hlengwa, Rhodes University Diana Laurillard,...