Colombia's Higher Ed Utopia or Illusion? Insights with Javier Botero Watch on Youtube Listen to the Podcast Latin America sometimes flies below the radar in discussions of global higher education. It's too poor to have major players in the world-class universities...
La utilidad (sic) de las humanidades
The Hidden Utility of the Liberal Arts Why they often fail to make their case, and how they can. Bridging the 'Chasm' By Scott Carlson and Ned Laff January 21, 2025 What do you do with a major in French? Or philosophy, history, or English? This is the question...
Bajo desempeño en lectura de estudiantes USA
American Children’s Reading Skills Reach New Lows With little post-pandemic recovery, experts wonder if screen time and school absence are among the causes. Listen to this article · 5:18 min Learn more Test results showed progress in math, but not enough to offset the...
Nuevo estudio de Gregory Elacqua: rotación docente e incentivos monetarios
Teacher turnover is a major challenge for schools globally, particularly affecting disadvantaged students in urban areas. In the City of São Paulo, schools in favelas and peripheral communities have historically struggled with high rates of teacher attrition...
La mesa técnica creada para el Sistema de Admisión Escolar (SAE)
Los nudos expuestos durante la mesa técnica creada para mejorar el Sistema de Admisión Escolar (SAE) Durante esta jornada y luego de escuchar a diversos actores que utilizan herramienta, los consejeros de la instancia mandatada en la discusión del Presupuesto 2025...
Crisis de salud mental en universidades británicas
Support from academics ‘can make student mental health worse’ Attempts by well-meaning scholars to help services ‘drowning in demand’ adding to the problems, finds study Patrick Jack, January 22, 2025 University support staff are “stretched at both ends” by a...
Steven Brint sobre educación superior en EEUU de Trump
‘There Needs to Be a Rousing Defense of the Sector’ Steven Brint talks Trumpian dystopia, the administrator-activist alliance, and the role of higher ed’s political center. THE REVIEW | CONVERSATION By Len Gutkin and David Wescott January 16, 2025 For over 30 years,...
Revista Colombiana de Educación
Núm. 95 (2025): abr-jun Preliminares PDF Artículos generales La construcción del ethos en la escuela católica como referente formativo José Antonio Pineda-Alfonso, Diego Luna e18623 PDF Interacciones pedagógicas, género, competencia percibida, desempeño e interés en...
Matías Reeves sobre PAES y liceos emblemáticos
Simplificaciones emblemáticas: reflexiones ante la falta de empatía y elementos de análisis tras los resultados de la PAES 23.01.2025 Por Matías Reeves, Ingeniero Civil Industrial y Magister en Gestión y Políticas Públicas de la Universidad de Chile. Master en...
Desafíos del liderazgo en universidades de los EEUU
Leading a university is set to become even more difficult John Aubrey Douglass 11 January 2025 Over the past five years or so, there has been a significant increase in faculty votes of no confidence in their university and college presidents in the United States....
Rector de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: financiación
El rector de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: “Necesitamos recibir, mínimo, el doble de financiación” La institución...
Hacia un primer grado europeo
Take plunge with European degree label, university leaders urge Label could be ‘first step’ towards automatically...
Politécnicos: el debate en Inglaterra
Could polytechnics be an answer to the problems facing HE? Nnamdi O Madichie 12 February 2025 The transformation of...
Escena preelectoral
Escena preelectoral "Atrapados en esta malla de memorias, relatos, deseos, ideas e ideologías, los actores se mueven...