THE Leaders Survey: Will Covid-19 leave universities in intensive care? Has the online transition worked out? How far are student numbers likely to decline? Will governments still have money to invest in universities and research after the pandemic is over? And what...
McKinsey: uso de tecnologías en la educación
New global data reveal education technology’s impact on learning Leer aquí: aquí The use of technology in education has become a lifeline during the COVID-19 pandemic. As students return to the classroom, school systems must carefully consider the longer-term role of...
Andreas Schleicher (OECD): Futuro del financiamiento de la educación superior
OECD education head: pandemic disruption should mean lower fees With the key selling point of university – meeting people and having a ‘great experience’ – now gone, Andreas Schleicher sees high fees as unjustified and calls for more government investment June 22,...
A como dé lugar
A como dé lugar "Sorprende la insistencia de quienes creen tener soluciones perfectas, una inteligencia completa de los fenómenos y argumentos técnicos inobjetables". José Joaquín Brunner, Viernes 19 de junio de 2020 Un profesor del MIT acuñó en los años 1980 una...
COVID y el financiamiento de la educación
How Much Will COVID Cut Education Budgets? MAY 8, 2020 David Evans, Susannah Hares, Justin Sandefur and Liesbet Steer Follow COVID-19 has had an immediate impact on education. With schools closed in virtually all of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, children—especially...
Selección Aequalis de documentos de valor en la coyuntura Covid
Boletín Nº4, junio 2020 Formación en Educación Superior Uno de los mayores problemas que ha traído la situación sanitaria que actualmente vivimos en el mundo es la sensación de incertidumbre respecto del futuro. Esta incertidumbre resulta especialmente compleja en una...
Reformista Rector de la U de Arizona conversa sobre futuro de las universidades
Michael Crow: crisis should herald cooperation and differentiation Reform-minded Arizona State University president shares vision for a successful university model in wake of pandemic, saying institutions have done an ‘inadequate job of social empowerment’ June 10,...
OECD: El riesgo de un aumento de las desigualdades educacionales en América Latina
Is COVID-19 widening educational gaps in Latin America? Three lessons for urgent policy action 4 June 2020 Development Matters Covid-19, Education, Human Development, Latin America/Caribbean, policyCoronavirus, Covid-19, Digital, digital divide, digital...
Hoy se dio a conocer el OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2020 Issue 1 : Preliminary version
Editorial: After the lockdown, a tightrope walk toward recovery The spread of Covid-19 has shaken people’s lives around the globe in an extraordinary way, threatening health, disrupting economic activity, and hurting wellbeing and jobs. Since our last Economic Outlook...
Campus y distancia social
Welcome to the Socially Distanced Campus By Francie Diep and Megan Zahneis May 26, 2020 PREMIUM Son of Alan for The Chronicle Darlene M. Campo welcomed her first students back on campus at 9:15 a.m. on May 11. Excited, they all arrived on time, or even early. Campo,...
Desconfianza en las instituciones
Desconfianza en las instituciones Es una paradoja de las sociedades democráticas que, llegado cierto momento crítico,...
Infraestructura, selección, aprendizajes y deudores del CAE
Infraestructura, selección, aprendizajes y deudores del CAE: los flancos abiertos de la educación en Chile Chile...
Mediación para el acoso escolar
La mediación como arma contra el acoso escolar Los alumnos aprenden habilidades para la resolución de conflictos...
Reforma educacional en México por M. Gil Antón
La Nueva Escuela Mexicana: una propuesta radical MANUEL GIL ANTÓN| 16/03/2024 |04:06 |Actualizada Manuel Gil Antón La...