
Sobre los fines de la universidad: debates en USA

It’s Time to Rethink Higher Education What if our goal was creating social impact, not preserving the status quo? By Brian Rosenberg MARCH 23, 2021 Pointing out that much of higher education is in a state of crisis is at this point about as revelatory as noting that...

Pobreza extrema y educación en USA

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Newsletter   A family of four living on $27,000 per year is, according to the federal government, not living in poverty. In fact, a family of four is defined by the government as living in poverty only when they earn at most $26,500....

Frente Amplio: una trayectoria malograda

Publicado el 24 febrero, 2021 Jose Joaquín Brunner: Frente Amplio: una trayectoria malograda Estamos ante un Frente que se agita continuamente, cuya identidad es borrosa, cuya composición no logra estabilizarse y que, en vez de crecer y expandirse, se fragmenta y va...