The Gender Gap in Publications New analysis looks at differences in scholarly outputs and impacts across 12 countries/regions and 27 fields. By Elizabeth Redden March 8, 2017 Bajar artículo completo con gráficos aquí. A large-scale analysis of gender disparities in...
Universidades emergentes al vértice superior dentro de la liga mundial
Which universities could challenge the higher education elite? THE analysis reveals the 53 institutions that could surpass Oxbridge and the Ivy League March 7, 2017 By Ellie Bothwell Twitter: @elliebothwell Source: iStock University of Sydney If you were asked to name...
Comunicar, call for papers
«Comunicar» Journal invites you to visit our Call for Papers: Call for Papers in 2017: Comunicar 53 (2017-4): Critical Citizenship and Social Empowerment in the Emerging Cybersociety Thematic Editors: Dr. Antonio Sampayo-Novoa, University of Lisbon (Portugal) Dr....
Géneros, estudios superiores y profesiones
Doctors and nurses are from Venus, scientists and engineers are from Mars (for now) Posted: 27 Feb 2017 02:05 AM PST By Francesco Avvisati Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills...
Cambios a legislación inglesa de educación superior
HE bill: why universities are not supermarkets Commentator Martin Wolf examines the economic flaws and false assumptions of the Higher Education and Research Bill February 16, 2017 By Martin Wolf The UK government’s controversial plans for reform of higher education...
Bellolio y Herrera: Hacia un nuevo sistema universitario
Hacia un nuevo sistema universitario Jaime Bellolio y Hugo Herrera, 23 febrero 2017 "Para conservar fortalezas y paliar defectos, se debiese avanzar hacia un régimen de aseguramiento universal de la calidad, apoyo fiscal igualitario para los estudiantes y apoyo...
Ministra Educación de EEUU y educación superior
How Much Power Does Betsy DeVos Really Hold to Shake Up Higher Ed? Most education secretaries have left a limited mark on higher ed. Here’s why. By Kelly Field FEBRUARY 16, 2017 Last week’s confirmation of Betsy DeVos as secretary of education has raised alarms among...
Brecha educacional y desigualdad
[divider scroll_text="SCROLL_TEXT"] Mind the Gap: Inequality in education by Tracey Burns, Senior Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills. 16.02.2017 "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times … we had everything before us, we had nothing before...
Alex Usher: Cómo financiar la educación superior (3)
How to Fund (3) Alex Usher. Posted on February 16, 2017 by Paul You all may remember that in early 2015, the province of Ontario announced it was going to review its university funding formula. There was no particular urgency to do so, and many were puzzled as to “why...
Alex Usher: Cómo financiar la educación superior (2)
How to Fund (2) Posted on February 15, 2017 by Alex Usher As I noted yesterday, in Canada we have some kind of phobia about output-based funding. In the 1990s, Ontario and Alberta introduced, and then later killed, key performance indicators with funding attached....
Educación: Fin y medios
Educación: Fin y medios ''Efectivamente, aprender a ser es ajeno a cualquier beneficio social, económico, político o...
Enséñame, si puedes
Enséñame, si puedes ''Enséñame, si puedes. Eso parecen decir hoy los alumnos de algunos de los mejores colegios...
Crisis del pensamiento liberal
Al liberalismo le crecen los enanos (a izquierda y derecha) Los conservadores le acusan de olvidar los vínculos con...
Asistencia escolar: factores de retención
Attendance Playbook: Smart Solutions for Reducing Student Absenteeism Post-Pandemic Phyllis W. Jordan DOWNLOAD THE...