El Instituto Internacional de la UNESCO para la Educación Superior de América Latina y el (UNESCO-IESALC) se complace en anunciar a las autoridades de gobierno, organismos nacionales e internacionales, autoridades universitarias y a la comunidad académica en general...
Reconocimiento de estudios en América Latina
América Latina y el Caribe adoptará acuerdo de reconocimiento de estudios en educación superior Del 11 al 13 de julio de 2019, en el Palacio San Martín de Buenos Aires, tendrá lugar la Conferencia Internacional de Estados para la adopción del nuevo Convenio UNESCO...
Capital privado en educación superior (A. Usher, II)
View as Webpage Private Capital in Higher Education (Part 2) June 18th, 2019 - Alex Usher To really understand universities, you need to understand their cost structure. And to understand their cost structure, you need to understand that unlike businesses, they keep...
Sistema universitario: ¿Del dinamismo al declive?
Sistema universitario: ¿Del dinamismo al declive? En medio de un cuadro desolador a nivel regional, el sistema universitario chileno mantiene una base relativamente sólida, construida durante un cuarto de siglo, a partir de 1990. Pero, pese a todo lo positivo del...
Informe completo del ranking THEs de universidades chilenas en América Latina
THE Latin America University Rankings 2019: results announced Pontifical Catholic University of Chile now tops the region June 18, 2019 • By Ellie Bothwell Browse the THE Latin America University Rankings 2019 results A Chilean university has topped the Times Higher...
¿Populismos en la educación superior de México?
THE WORLD VIEW A blog from the CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION. Mexico: Higher Education Under Populism Despite opposition success in limiting the government’s proposed changes, the outlook for higher education remains bleak. By Alma Maldonado-Maldonado and...
Alex Usher sobre deuda y aranceles
View as Webpage A New(ish) Argument About Debt and Tuition June 11th, 2019 - Alex Usher As I am starting to sketch out the bones of my next book, (semi-serious working title: How Tuition Fees Will Save the World ) , I am collecting arguments about the nature and...
El concepto de meritocracia bajo fuego cruzado
Opinion The Meritocracy Is Under Siege Are we merely reproducing privilege or is there something to salvage in the system we have now? By Thomas B, June 12, 2019 The debate over meritocracy has been intensifying. Is it a good thing? A bad thing? Do we want it or don’t...
Bolsonaro y educación
Opinion Who Needs the Humanities When You Have Jair Bolsonaro? Brazil’s education system is being strangled by a president who doesn’t believe in learning. By Vanessa Barbara, June 11,2019 SÃO PAULO, Brazil — According to President Jair Bolsonaro, Brazilian education...
Alex Usher sobre capital privado en la educación superior
View as Webpage Private Capital in Higher Education (Part I) June 18th, 2019 - Alex Usher When you think about it, higher education is one of the greatest businesses in the world. It’s a guaranteed and growing market – as economies develop, people want more of...
Argentina: las ciencias y Milei
Argentine science at risk as radical right-winger wins presidency Javier Milei promised to get rid of the country’s...
Entrevista con Paula Escobar: Política nacional y educación
Entrevista a José Joaquín Brunner en Influyentes de CNN Chile, junto a la académica Paula Escobar. Ver aquí...
Jeffrey Sachs: ponencia ante el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU
GPT y la academia
After a year of ChatGPT, is academia getting to grips with generative AI? Students love it but faculty typically hate...