Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI) Perfil La Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI) es un organismo internacional de carácter gubernamental para la cooperación entre los países iberoamericanos en el campo...
Redes sociales académicas, ¿feria de vanidades?
How Social Media Imperils Scholarship It plays on our vanity and reduces research to a popularity contest. By JUSTIN E.H. SMITH June 2, 2019 If you tell me you have never Googled yourself, I will presume you are lying. Some months ago, I engaged in a periodic exercise...
Revista Higher Education disponible
We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Higher Education. Volume 77 Number 6 is now available online. In this issue Neither “local” nor “global”: Chinese university students’ identity paradoxes in the internationalization of higher...
Micro credenciales
Microcredentials June 6th, 2019 - Alex Usher One of the big buzzwords in higher education these days is “microcredentials”. Because this term means so many things to different people, it is worth unpacking this term a bit. One of the biggest challenges we have as a...
Nuevo Boletín International Higher Education
PUBLISHED: 2019-06-05 FULL ISSUE Full Issue PDF INTERNATIONAL ISSUES AND TRENDS Connectivity of National Systems of Higher Education: Evidence from the U21 Rankings Ross Williams 2-3 PDF Higher Education Equity Policies across the Globe Jamil Salmi 4-5 PDF Two...
Reporte sobre educación superior en Gran Bretaña
That Augar Report May 31st, 2019 - Alex Usher If you pay attention to UK higher education, you will know that yesterday the long-awaited Augar Report (technically, the Post-18 Review of Education and Funding: Independent Panel Report, but its usually named after its...
Convocatoria 5to Encuentro de Educación Superior y Mundo del Trabajo, BIESTRA 2019
Estimada/o colega, Le invitamos a presentar ponencias hasta el 24 de julio, en el marco del 5to Encuentro de Educación Superior y Mundo del Trabajo, "BIESTRA 2019: Implicancias Educativas de la IV Revolución Industrial", a realizarse los días 23 y 24 de octubre en...
Educación para el futuro: una visión
Educating for the Future: Empowering the Human Mind and Redefining Values and Citizenship in the Age of Technological Disruption* ARTICLE | MAY 11, 2019 | BY CARLOS BLANCO, ALEXANDRE PEREZ CASARES, RAMON RODRIGANEZ RIESCO Get Full Text in PDF Abstract What are the...
Presupuestos balanceados, Alex Usher
Balanced Budgets May 28th, 2019 - Alex Usher A few weeks ago, the federal and länder governments in Germany reached a ten-year accord with respect to funding for scientific research. Result: a decade of planned 3% annual increases. Needless to say, this elicited...
Sobre planes estratégicos en las universidades
Does My Institution Need a Strategic Plan? May 27th, 2019 - Alex Usher As our company’s name suggests, we think a lot about strategic planning here at HESA Towers. And after a decade of doing this job, I have come to the conclusion that while most institutions do...
Estrechar al adversario
Viernes 10 de noviembre de 2023 Estrechar al adversario "Las izquierdas —desde el centro hasta la periferia— estamos...
Evolución de la educación superior chilena desde la perspectiva del ecualizador de gobernanza
Evolución de la educación superior chilena desde la perspectiva del ecualizador de gobernanza Autores/as José Joaquín...
Liz Reisberg: Educación superior y transformación tecnológica
Tapping the support needed for educational transformation Liz Reisberg 04 November 2023 The International Conference...
España: Formación tecnico profesional básica
Estudiantes que cambiaron el fracaso escolar por el éxito: “Pasé de no hacer nada a desear que llegase el día...