
Revista Páginas de Educación

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22235/pe.v11i1 Publicado: 2018-05-02 Número completo  Tabla de contenidos  Número completo Artículos Presentación: Es tiempo de hacer mejores preguntas Cristóbal Cobo 1-5  PDF (English) ¿Qué hay de nuevo en las noticias falsas? Alfabetizaciones...

Riesgos operacionales de las universidades

Risks (Operational)   April 18th, 2018 - Alex Usher Ok, so we’ve been through all the prestige/reputational risk stuff ( here andhere ), and tomorrow we will deal with financial risk. But today, there’s the issue of straight-up operational risk: that is, the...

Un curso de humanidades que se hizo famoso

Is This the Hardest Course in the Humanities? By Mark Bauerlein MARCH 25, 2018  PREMIUM For most of my professional life, the future of the humanities was a conceptual matter. That’s no longer the case. When enrollments are down, majors are down, funding and jobs are...

Profesores e innovación en la sala de clase

educationtoday blog It is generally acknowledged that the quality of an educational system depends upon the quality of its teachers. Teachers are responsible for preparing young people to meet new challenges in a fast-changing world; and that is why innovation in...

Rediseñar la Universidad, Alex Usher (III)

DESIGNING A UNIVERSITY FROM SCRATCH (III) APRIL 6, 2018 | ALEX USHER If you’re just joining us, on Wednesday I briefly reviewed some of the key aspects of the Minerva model as detailed in the book yesterday’s entry, as detailed in the book Building the Intentional...

Revista Alteridad, Ecuador

HOME ACERCA DE  ACTUAL ARCHIVOS AVISOS INDEXACIONES Buscar Vol. 13 Núm. 1: (enero-junio 2018) Editores PhD. Rosa García Ruíz PhD. Jaime Padilla PhD. Napoleón Esquivel Frecuencia 2 números/año ISSN: 1390-325X e-ISSN: 1390-8642 DOI 10.17163/alt. Sobre la revista...