José Joaquín Brunner: “Pese a las anomalías, la PSU es perfectamente válida” Juan Manuel Ojeda HACE 15 HORAS El sociólogo, investigador y académico de la UDP analiza el accidentado proceso de rendición de la prueba y dice que “el desastre pudo haber sido mucho mayor y...
Coronavirus: visión desde la internacionalización de la academia
CORONAVIRUS MARCH 9, 2020 | ALEX USHER Good morning and welcome back. I thought I would start the week off with a really cheery topic, like a global pandemic and how it will affect higher education. There are lots of ways to talk about the effects of coronavirus on...
Propuesta de admisión – académicos de la UCH
Otro sistema de ingreso a la Educación Superior para un Chile que despertó 24.02.2020 Por Asamblea de Académicos/as/es Autoconvocados de la Universidad de Chile TEMAS: Chile, Educación Superior, Prueba de Selección Universitaria, PSU El sistema de ingreso a la...
Competencias siglo 21: nuevo estudio de implementación curricular
BROOKINGS EDUCATION PLUS DEVELOPMENT Representing 21st century skills in curricula: A new study Dirk Hastedt and Esther Care, February 28, 2020 “Holistic development” is the watchword when setting educational goals for students. However, what this means in practice...
Mapa de competencias siglo 21
New 21st Century Skills Study to Map Education in a Changing World International Association of Educational Achievement (IEA) Education is changing. Countries around the world are broadening their educational vision to equip students with what are often termed...
Estudiantes de college y multitasking cursos presenciales versus online
College Students’ Multitasking Behavior in Online Versus Face-to-Face Courses Show all authors Andrew Lepp, Jacob E. Barkley, Aryn C. Karpinski, ... First Published January 13, 2019 Research Article // Article information ARTICULO PDF...
Max Weber: el saber como vocación
Max Weber Invented the Crisis of the Humanities More than 100 years old, his landmark essay is more relevant than ever. February 6, 2020 By PAUL REITTER and CHAD WELLMON In the summer of 1917, a group of university students in Munich invited Max Weber to launch a...
Nuevas concepciones del PhD
The New Ph.D. Momentum grows to rewrite the rules of graduate training By Marc Parry February 16, 2020 PREMIUM (c) Meg Berkobien couldn’t do it anymore. She’d finished about three-quarters of a doctoral dissertation in comparative literature. Her advisers at the...
Nuevo paradigma para la educación: reporte de una conferencia
Dear colleagues, We are pleased to send you the report on the Fourth International Conference on Future Education, which was held on November 11-13, 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia. It has been prepared on the basis of the recordings made during the event and the...
Barreras a la movilidad social en EEUU
The Barriers to Mobility Why Higher Ed’s Promise Remains Unfulfilled Kevin Van Aelst for The Chronicle December 31, 2019 By KARIN FISCHER For generations of Americans, higher education was a ladder — study hard and you could climb into the middle class. A college...
Subempleo de graduados
Talent Disrupted College Graduates, Underemployment, and the Way Forward Institute for the Future of Work and The...
Universidades chilenas en Ranking de impacto según THE – 2023
EXPLORE IMPACT RANKINGS FOR INDIVIDUAL SDGS (ver metodología de cálculo al final de la Tabla de posiciones) Rank Name...
El capital en la nube
Somos humildes siervos de los señores de la nube: bienvenidos al tecnofeudalismo Un nuevo capital mutante ha matado y...
Leer en casa y ventaja escolar
Los niños que leen en casa con sus padres llevan medio curso de ventaja respecto a los que no lo hacen La diferente...