How can teachers and school systems respond to the COVID-19 pandemic? Some lessons from TALIS Banner image: Shutterstock Andreas Schleicher Mar 23, 2020 6 0 Like 7 Comment Share This article is part of series in which OECD experts and thought leaders – from...
Nuevos modelos educacionales para la 4ª Revolución Industrial
Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society Schools of the Future Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution World Economic Forum, January 2020 This report has been published by the World Economic Forum as a contribution...
Coronavirus y enseñanza superior en línea
The Coronavirus Has Pushed Courses Online. Professors Are Trying Hard to Keep Up. By Beth McMurtrie MARCH 20, 2020 PREMIUM Rebecca Barrett-Fox saw panic spreading across academe as colleges were shifting abruptly to remote teaching to stem the spread of the...
Consejos para la educación
Managing Education Systems During COVID-19: An Open Letter to A Minister of Education MARCH 23, 2020 Karen Mundy and Susannah Hares,© 2020 Center for Global Development Dear Minister, As of March 23, more than 124 countries have closed their education systems either...
Covid-19 y educación temprana, niñez
March 20, 2020 Stress, Hope, and the Role of Science: Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has the capacity to affect every person in the world—and how each individual responds can potentially affect everyone else. In addition to the efforts of...
Banco Mundial sobre Covid-19 en la educación
Managing the impact of COVID-19 on education systems around the world: How countries are preparing, coping, and planning for recovery KALIOPE AZZI-HUCK TIGRAN SHMIS |MARCH 18, 2020, Published on Education for Global Development At the end of February as alarm bells...
Unesco: En tiempos de la crisis
En tiempos de crisis la UNESCO está presente 25/03/2020 Por Claudia Uribe, Directora de la Oficina Regional de Educación para América Latina y el Caribe (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago); Lidia Brito, Directora de la Oficina Regional de Ciencias para América Latina y el...
UNESCO: Interrupción educativa y respuesta de cara al COVID-19
Interrupción educativa y respuesta de cara al COVID-19 Última actualización : 18 de marzo de 2020 - 10:00 GMT + 1 El número de niños, jóvenes y adultos que no asisten a escuelas o universidades debido al COVID-19 está aumentando. Los gobiernos de 113 países han...
Unesco: Consecuencias negativas del cierre de las escuelas
Consecuencias negativas del cierre de las escuelas empty-classroom-c-bonnontawat-shutterstock.jpg Bonnontawat/ El cierre, incluso temporal, de los centros escolares provoca altos costos sociales y económicos. Los problemas que ocasiona afectan a todas...
Reacción universidades USA al coronavirus
The Campus Closure Divide A growing number of colleges and universities close or cancel in-person classes while others keep running as usual. Why are institutions responding differently? By Lilah Burke March 12, 2020 As the new coronavirus continues to cause chaos...
Lucha ideológica, convicciones y responsabilidades
Lucha ideológica, convicciones y responsabilidades Hoy existe un gran signo de interrogación respecto de la ideología...
Crisis SLEP Atacama: una falla en el diseño del sistema
Brunner y crisis educacional: “Fueron errores que se cometieron en el gobierno de Bachelet y que nadie ha corregido”...
España: Uso de IA al final de los estudios
La IA irrumpe en los trabajos de fin de carrera: “Estoy por poner en los agradecimientos a ChatGPT ” Cada vez más...
Universidad en Argentina e inflación
Argentine universities in ‘critical situation’ as inflation soars Rectors call for budget increases and wage rises for...