
Largo camino hacia la equidad educativa

Martes 07 diciembre de 2021 | 12:12 Largo camino hacia la equidad educativa Por Pilar Romaguera Gracia  Agencia UNO 863 visitas La equidad fue el centro del análisis del último informe sobre educación de la OCDE, Education at a Glance 2021. El estudio analizó los...

Apoyos necesarios para la enseñanza en línea

Most staff ‘feel lack of support for improving online teaching’ Jisc survey reveals staff feel innovation in remote learning is where they need more help  November 29, 2021 Simon Baker Less than a fifth of UK academics say they are being given the time to develop...

Tuning Journal for Higher Education

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): New realities, new challenges: Future proofing? Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): New realities, new challenges: Future proofing? DOI: https://doi.org/10.18543/tjhe-9(1)-2021 Published: 2021-11-26 Full Issue  PDF Editorial Editorial Mary Gobbi 13-15  PDF...

Debate sobre aranceles en Gran Bretaña

Cutting tuition fees in England wouldn’t be good news for universities – or students Lorna Finlayson  Without overhauling the market-driven system, reducing high fees will only benefit the government Mon 8 Nov 2021 10.00 GMT The government is said to be...