
Nuevas definiciones de acreditación

January 27, 2014 It's Time for a New Definition of Accreditation Mark Shaver for The Chronicle Enlarge Image By Milton Greenberg, The Chronicle of Higher Education The impending review and renewal of the Higher Education Act will be a defining moment in the tumultuous...

MOOCs como objeto de estudio

The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 22, 2014 by Jennifer Howard   Completion Rates Aren’t the Best Way to Judge MOOCs, Researchers Say   When it comes to measuring the success of an education program, the bottom line is often the completion rate. How...

Cataluña: Salarios académicos

  La mitad de los profesores de universidad trabaja en situación precaria Los sueldos oscilan entre los 300 y los 1.500 euros mensuales, según datos de una organización sindical Ivanna Vallespín Barcelona 14 ENE 2014 - 00:01 CET1 Marc Llirós es profesor del...

MOOCs: Un curso (de acción) para (meta) interesados

When Meta-MOOC Meets Wiki: Transforming Higher Education January 23, 2014 by Cathy Davidson Since May, I’ve been working just about nonstop on an intellectual and pedagogical extravaganza that I refer to as “Meta-MOOC.” It is “meta” in the sense that one part of this...

Futuros de la educación superior

  Now available at www.wwwords.co.uk/pfie/content/pdfs/11/issue11_6.asp POLICY FUTURES IN EDUCATION Volume 11 Number 6  2013  ISSN 1478-2103 SPECIAL ISSUE The Future of Higher Education Guest Editors: PHILIP WOODS & EDDIE BLASS Philip Woods & Eddie Blass....