
Carlos Peña: ¿Por qué las tomas?

Domingo 01 de julio de 2018 ¿Por qué las tomas? "Esparcir ideales universalistas, ese cemento de la sociedad -en vez de soplar el fuego de la identidad- es lo que hace falta hoy. En la derecha y en la izquierda. Ideales universalistas compatibles con la creciente...

Profesores de mañana

educationtoday blog Why we should care more about who our future teachers will be Posted: 19 Jun 2018 01:48 AM PDT By Noémie Le Donné Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills “What would you like to be when you grow up?” is not only an adult’s favourite...

Alex Usher: Educación superior de China

Chinese Higher Education in Four Graphs Every once in awhile you have to just sit and marvel at what the Chinese government has managed to pull off in higher education. Since the turn of the millennium, enrolments have increased five-fold. That’s staggering enough,...

PISA y políticas de formación docente

What can PISA tell us about teacher policies? Posted: 11 Jun 2018 02:16 AM PDT By Francesco Avvisati Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills Teachers are the most important resource in today’s schools. Teacher salaries and training represent the greatest share...