Créditos estudiantiles

Debate sobre préstamos estudiantiles en España

¿Pedirías un préstamo para financiar tus estudios? La propuesta de Fedea de crear créditos con condiciones especiales para universitarios trae recuerdos negativos y levanta opiniones discordes entre los expertos GABRIELE FERLUG, Madrid , 5 SEP 2018 - 19:51 CEST Sobre...

Elección de estudios en EEUU

The 7 Things Students Think About When Choosing a College By Julian Wyllie FEBRUARY 13, 2018 seb_ra/iStock What happens when a high-school student from a low-income family wants to attend a private college 100 miles away, but has a parent whispering in her ear to look...

OECD: ¿Es justa la gratuidad?

Is free higher education fair? Posted: 15 Nov 2017 05:28 AM PST by Andreas Schleicher  Director, Directorate for Education and Skills  Skills have become the currency of 21st century economies and, despite the significant increase the UK has seen in university...