Créditos estudiantiles

Créditos estudiantiles en el mundo, por A. Usher

One Thought to Start Your Day Student Financial Aid Regimes March 23, 2022 | Alex Usher and Jonathan Williams Last week, we presented you with an overview of tuition fee regimes around the world. Not unreasonably, a few of you asked “what about student aid? Doesn’t...

Inglaterra: Financiamiento educación superior

Augar response: ‘highest earners benefit’ in student loan revamp Westminster government unveils major student finance changes creating ‘more sustainable’ system, as sector voices concern on minimum entry bar plan February 24, 2022 John Morgan The Westminster...

Prestamos estudiantiles en Inglaterra

Sector awaits key details on scheme requiring ‘complete remake of student finance system’ and likely to face Treasury scepticism December 23, 2021 John Morgan England’s planned new lifelong loans are seen by government as a way to “divert demand” away from degrees...

CAE: Aspectos prácticos

Los datos y la “letra chica” para sacar provecho al CAE El crédito se sumó a la pesada mochila de deudas de muchos estudiantes, por lo que es clave que los postulantes a la educación superior conozcan todos sus detalles. Por Sebastián Dote 9 de diciembre, 2021 › 17:37...

Debate sobre aranceles en Gran Bretaña

Cutting tuition fees in England wouldn’t be good news for universities – or students Lorna Finlayson  Without overhauling the market-driven system, reducing high fees will only benefit the government Mon 8 Nov 2021 10.00 GMT The government is said to be...