Edicion del 120 aniversario del diario El Mercurio - 1 de junio de 2020: aquí em_01062020
El absurdo del neoliberalismo
"¿Qué lleva a erigir al neoliberalismo en causa y motor de la catástrofe que vivimos?". José Joaquín Brunner, 29 de mayo 2020 Atribuir la pandemia a una suerte de afinidad selectiva —una secreta asociación y resonancia— con la filosofía neoliberal y a esta los efectos...
Social Scientists on COVID-19
Social Scientists on COVID-19 What motivates people to wear masks, the effects of social isolation on children and the elderly, infection rates among the incarcerated. These are just some of the COVID-19 research topics social scientists are investigating right now....
La cuestión de los aranceles en la actual coyuntura
View as Webpage In Pandemus Veritas May 25th, 2020 - Alex Usher One of the most interesting things about the pandemic is the questions it raises about the price of education. Can institutions reasonably expect to charge what they normally charge, given that the...
Community colleges permanecerán en línea
Community Colleges Likeliest to Stay Virtual As most four-year colleges continue to announce intentions to reopen campuses in the fall, many community colleges have said they will remain (mostly) virtual. By Madeline St. Amour May 20, 2020 Many of the institutions...
Exámenes de admisión: Universidad de California
Dropping the SAT and ACT -- for Good University of California plan could change the role of standardized testing in admissions -- and not just for the UC system. By Scott Jaschik May 18, 2020 University of California president Janet Napolitano last week proposed a...
Covid-19 y ciclos largos de la economía
30 April 2020 by Vincent Carpentier COVID-19, long economic cycles and the prospects of a new world This blog originally ran on the UCL Blog Series #013: Education in the Time of COVID-19. The eruption of COVID-19 has (re)generated discussions about the possible...
Bibloitecas de cerca y de lejos
When You Can’t Send Students to the Campus Library By Jennifer Burek Pierce MAY 14, 2020 Among the many things that faculty members worried about in our Covid-19 switch to remote teaching was how to provide course materials when students could no longer walk into a...
Problemas de atención entre estudiantes expuestos na enseñanza en pantalla
Will Months of Remote Learning Worsen Students' Attention Problems? Robert Spall works from his home in Sacramento, Calif. —Courtesy of Kirsten Spall By Alex Harwin May 11, 2020 The outbreak of the coronavirus isn’t the first time Robert Spall has had to learn from...
¿Que leo en estos días? El Mercurio de Valparaíso
Deuda estudiantil en USA
Unchecked student debt will affect all areas of the economy F King Alexander 11 May 2024 To better understand the...
Enrevista Emol sobre CAE y coyuntura educacional
José Joaquín Brunner: "El Gobierno ha cometido un error comunicacional al poner esto en la agenda pública" En cuanto a...
La generación del CAE
La generación del CAE por José Joaquín Brunner, 22 mayo, 2024 En estos días ha irrumpido nuevamente el tema de la...
Transformación de la educación superior: innovación docente y buenas prácticas
Vol. 95 Núm. 1 (2024): Transformación de la educación superior: innovación docente y buenas prácticas La innovación...