Education researchers accused of anti-grammar school bias Academic experts have been wrong to dismiss the social mobility benefits of grammar schools as selective areas do better on university access, says Higher Education Policy Institute study January 10, 2019...
Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Comparada (RELEC)
Llamado a presentar trabajos para el dossier temático correspondiente al Número 15 de la Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Comparada (RELEC: sobre el tema “El campo de la Educación Comparada: cuestiones metodológicas, disciplinarias e...
Ciencia y Humanidades
The New Science Wars Radical differences in the humanities and sciences haven’t gone away — they’ve intensified By Steven Klein DECEMBER 16, 2018 PREMIUM The relationship between the humanities and the sciences, including some quarters of the social sciences, has...
Investigación en ciencias ecológicas en chile y su financiamiento
jscientometres-7-3-189 Journal of Scientometric Res. 2018; 7(3):189-193 Research Article Journal of Scientometric Research, Vol 7, Issue 3, Sep-Dec 2018 189 The Paradox of Enrichment in Chile’s Ecological Science Funding Jaime R. Rau1, Fabián...
Is US higher education in crisis?, Steven Brint
Is US higher education in crisis? Many observers perceive US higher education to be in trouble. They’re missing the big picture, says Steven Brint January 3, 2019 By Steven Brint Even those who are not immersed in the world of higher education are familiar with the...
Acceso a la educación superior
Nueva PSU: la trastienda por el cambio al sistema de acceso Por: Carlos Said, 31 de diciembre 2018 El Demre y parte del Mineduc buscan generar cambios en la prueba, al menos para 2019. El mundo técnico-profesional se divide en torno a cómo será su modelo de admisión....
Simon Schwartzman: Calidad de la educación superior brasileña
A qualidade da educação superior brasileira By Simon on Dec 22, 2018 05:29 am A Organização Para a Cooperação Econômica e Desenvolvimento (OECD) publicou ontem um estudo sobre o sistema brasileiro de avaliação da educação superior, Rethinking Quality Assurance for...
Lecturas breves seleccionadas de OECD y la educación en el mundo
Year in review: a look back at our most popular posts of 2018 Posted: 21 Dec 2018 01:46 AM PST By Amar Toor Communications and Digital Officer, Directorate for Education and Skills It's been another productive year here at the OECD Directorate for Education and...
Carrera de doctores en ciencias: duración e interrupción
Rise of the Science Ph.D. Dropout New study says scientists are leaving academic work at unprecedented rate. By Colleen Flaherty, December 11, 2018 The “half-life” of academic scientists has shortened dramatically over time, says a new paper calling attention to the...
OECD: Profesores al inicio de sus carreras
It's time to change the way we think about new teachers Posted: 14 Dec 2018 06:04 AM PST By Alejandro Paniagua Consultant, Directorate for Education and Skills Most teachers across the world say they're satisfied with their jobs. But the picture is more complex for...
Países bajos: debate sobre política de financiamiento de la investigación
The Netherlands’ new science policy is unevidenced, undebated and risky Previous output is by far the best predictor...
Internacionalización: debates actuales
Accountability in internationalisation: it must be personal Paulina Latorre, Uwe Brandenburg and Hans de Wit 27...
México – La educación entre 2018 y 2024: los límites del pragmatismo
La educación entre 2018 y 2024: los límites del pragmatismo MANUEL GIL ANTÓN| 03/02/2024 |04:41 La administración del...
USA: Educación, clases sociales y elecciones
The Political Failure of Bidenomics Feb. 22, 2024 By David Brooks Opinion Columnist After Hillary Clinton’s defeat in...