DeVos Makes Clear She’ll Trash Rules That Curb Predatory Colleges 01/31/2017 11:19 am ET | Updated 4 days ago The Huffington Post, 01/31/2017 11:19 am ET | Updated 4 days ago There were plenty of hints in the past few weeks, but now it seems clear as day: The...
Pensamiento crítico
What Is Critical Thinking, Anyway? Rob Jenkins, February 2, 2017 The longer I teach (I’m now in my 32nd year) the more I’m convinced that the best thing we can do for our students is help them learn to think for themselves. That involves explaining what...
Brecha de destrezas (skills gap)
The Idea That Launched a Thousand Strategic Plans By Dan Berrett JANUARY 22, 2017 PREMIUM A single idea has come to shape colleges’ plans for the future and assumptions about their role and purpose. It’s called the skills gap. Simply put, the skills gap is when...
Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina (ESAL)
Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina La Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina (ESAL) divulga temas de educación superior, basada en conocimiento científico, académico y profesional de alto nivel. La revista se publica semestralmente, es de...
Educación para carreras
How student attitudes towards the value of education can be shaped by careers education – evidence from the OECD’s PISA study Posted: 24 Jan 2017 01:51 AM PST by Anthony Mann Director of Policy and Research, Education and Employers Taskforce, London, UK Dr Elnaz T....
Pablo Astudillo: Institucionalidad científica: controversias, consensos y actores
Institucionalidad científica: controversias, consensos y actores por PABLO ASTUDILLO 19 enero 2017 Entregar un diagnóstico sobre el estado de la ciencia chilena a estas alturas, con cerca de una veintena de reportes e informes de comisiones asesoras, expertos, think...
Datos de empleabilidad de graduados en Canadá (2)
Another Lens on Bleak Graduate Income Data Posted on January 17, 2017 by Alex Usher So, yesterday we looked at Ontario university graduate employment data (link to: previous). Today I want to zero in a little bit on what’s happening by field of study. (I can hear...
Datos de empleabilidad de graduados en Canadá
Ever-bleaker Graduate Employment Data? Posted on January 16, 2017 by Paul So just before I quit blogging in December, the Council of Ontario Universities released its annual survey of graduate outcomes, this time of the class of 2013. The release contained the...
Alex Usher sobre el arribo de Trump y su significado para la educación superior
American Higher Education Under Trump Posted on January 19, 2017 by Alex Usher Tomorrow, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States (actually, the 44th person to be President: Grover Cleveland’s two non-consecutive terms screw up the...
Téngase presente: intelectuales públicos chilenos frente al horizonte del futuro
Téngase presente: intelectuales públicos chilenos frente al horizonte del futuro Los intelectuales públicos están compelidos a pensar en tensión entre pasado y futuro, en un arco de tiempo mayor que abarca la modernidad de los últimos dos siglos respecto del futuro...
ODS: desafíos para la gobernanza de la educación superior
José Joaquín Brunner y Mario Alarcón, ODS: desafíos para la gobernanza de la educación superior, 2023 Disponible en...
OEI: Una agenda común de futuro
Autor: VV.AA Editorial: Política Exterior Fecha: 2023 Páginas: 159 Una agenda común de futuro Con la colaboración de...
Nicholas Barr: Sobre cómo financiar lam educación superior
A fairer way to finance tertiary education Nicholas Barr, June 7th, 2023 Estimated reading time: 8 minutes Nicholas...
Pobreza en la niñez
What Poor Children Need Oct 17, 2023, MICHAEL R. STRAIN and HARRY J. HOLZER When it comes to helping poor children in...