
Trampa entredoctorantrs en China

Necesitamos arreglar el sistema que impulsa a los jóvenes académicos a hacer trampa (traducción automática) Wu Chaojin 19 de febrero de 2025 (texto original en inglés más abajo) Desde una edad temprana, muchas personas están cautivadas por el encanto de la academia....

Educación superior china: ¿hacia el liderazgo mundial?

Is China on the path to global higher education leadership? Futao Huang, 20 November 2024 Since launching the Double First-Class initiative in 2015, China has seen remarkable progress in the quality of its higher education institutions and its international...

Idea moderna de universidad: de Alemania a EEUU a China

Empire of Ideas: Creating the Modern University from Germany to America to China with William C. Kirby The history of the research university is a much-discussed thing. Fundamentally, these histories tend to focus on two countries: Germany, where it all began in 1810...

Política de aranceles en China

China’s tuition fee hikes ‘could foreshadow’ marketised HE system Beijing is ‘actively seeking to deter many young people from pursuing a degree’ to stem graduate unemployment, researcher says Pola Lem Jing Liu, October 10, 2023 Universities across China are raising...