
Idea moderna de universidad: de Alemania a EEUU a China

Empire of Ideas: Creating the Modern University from Germany to America to China with William C. Kirby The history of the research university is a much-discussed thing. Fundamentally, these histories tend to focus on two countries: Germany, where it all began in 1810...

Política de aranceles en China

China’s tuition fee hikes ‘could foreshadow’ marketised HE system Beijing is ‘actively seeking to deter many young people from pursuing a degree’ to stem graduate unemployment, researcher says Pola Lem Jing Liu, October 10, 2023 Universities across China are raising...

China: dilema de los graduados

China’s Young People Can’t Find Jobs. Xi Jinping Says to ‘Eat Bitterness.’ With youth unemployment at a record, the Communist Party is trying to reset expectations about social mobility by talking up the virtue of hardship. By Li Yuan Published May 30,...

Tutorías privadas en China 

Crónica sobre la guerra de Xi Jinping contra las clases particulares: año II Los esfuerzos del Gobierno chino para acabar con las tutorías privadas chocan con los intereses de las familias y de los propios funcionarios que deben hacer cumplir la medida Alumnos de un...