Another Lens on Bleak Graduate Income Data Posted on January 17, 2017 by Alex Usher So, yesterday we looked at Ontario university graduate employment data (link to: previous). Today I want to zero in a little bit on what’s happening by field of study. (I can hear...
Usher: por qué estudiantes eligen una universidad
Persuading High School Students November 23, 2016, Alex Usher Over the years, a lot of people have surveyed incoming university students to find out why they chose a particular institution. Most of these surveys contain a battery of questions about influencers: i.e....
Educación superior y crecimiento económico: Una visión realista
The Economic Growth Imperative Posted on May 8, 2015 by Alex Usher A quick note: the OTTSYD will be on brief hiatus next week, as I’ll be in Japan and won’t have regular access to my computer. Not to worry, though, we’ll pick back up on the 18th. Anyways: I was asked...
Horas de trabajo: ¿dentro/fuera de la oficina en la academia?
Offices Posted on February 24, 2015 by Alex Usher Here’s a stat I’d really like to see: how much time do professors spend in their offices? There’s been an enormous shift in the way people work over the past thirty years. Digitization of documents and the...
Curso avanzado sobre costos universitarios de Alex Usher
Entre los días 19 y 23 de enero de 2015, Alex Usher publica en su blog académico un pequeño curso elemental, en Chile sería avanzado, sobre economía de la sala de clase (universitaria) según lo llama él. Sin duda, un aporte directo para el debate que comenzará a la...
Más sobre Ranking THE
Those Times Higher Education World Rankings (2013-14 Edition) Posted on October 4, 2013 by Alex Usher So, yesterday saw the release of the latest round of the THE rankings. They were a bit of a damp squib, and not just for Canadian schools (which really didn’t move...
Rankings: cómo cambiar y mejorar
Dos breves reflexiones de A. Usher sobre los rankings universitarios aparecidos ayer y hoy en el Blog de HESA. Rankings Touchiness (Part 1) Posted on February 5, 2013 by Alex Usher The last decade or so has seen a lot of brouhaha about rankings, especially...
Alarcón y Brunner: Student Loans or Taxes? Financing Reform in Chile
Student Loans or Taxes? Financing Reform in Chile Chile's proposed graduate tax would end student loans but threatens...
Universidades chinas y política de globalización
Se pide a las universidades chinas que intensifiquen sus esfuerzos para "globalizarse" Amber Wang, 14 de marzo de...
“DEI” y política de educación superior bajo Trump
La orden "Detener la DEI" carece de fuerza de ley, pero está destinada a sembrar el caos Nathan M Greenfield 20 de...
UACH: Conversando sobre aseguramiento de la calidad en Valdivia
Actividad desarrollada en la ciudad de Valdivia el día viernes 14 de abril de...