View as Webpage Welcome to the 2020s January 6th 2020 - Alex Usher Hi all. Hope you all had a restful set of holidays. At the start of a new decade, it is fashionable to look ahead at what will happen in one’s sector. Personally, I think that life is going to change...
Capital privado en educación superior (A. Usher, II)
View as Webpage Private Capital in Higher Education (Part 2) June 18th, 2019 - Alex Usher To really understand universities, you need to understand their cost structure. And to understand their cost structure, you need to understand that unlike businesses, they keep...
Alex Usher sobre deuda y aranceles
View as Webpage A New(ish) Argument About Debt and Tuition June 11th, 2019 - Alex Usher As I am starting to sketch out the bones of my next book, (semi-serious working title: How Tuition Fees Will Save the World ) , I am collecting arguments about the nature and...
Alex Usher sobre capital privado en la educación superior
View as Webpage Private Capital in Higher Education (Part I) June 18th, 2019 - Alex Usher When you think about it, higher education is one of the greatest businesses in the world. It’s a guaranteed and growing market – as economies develop, people want more of...
Expansión matrícula educación superior y equidad de su distribución
How Equitable Can We Get? March 7th, 2019 - Alex Usher Last month, the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) published a paper entitled “Redefining Access to Postsecondary Education”. It raises a number of interesting questions about access in Ontario...
Racionamiento de creditos estudiantiles en países seleccionados
View as Webpage Rationing Loans February 8th, 2019 - Alex Usher While student loans are cheaper (and hence more commonly used) than grants, they still cost money, both in terms of interest subsidies and in terms of loan losses through loan defaults. As a result,...
Movilidad social en la educación superior
Measuring Social Mobility in Higher Education November 28th, 2018 - Alex Usher It is a universally acknowledged truth that while nearly every higher education policy maker in the world is required to discuss The Imperative of Accessibility, almost no one defines or...
educacionsuperior digital: propuesta en Canadá
View as Webpage New Digital Universities November 19th, 2018 - Alex Usher Last week Tony Bates, arguably the doyen of Canadian digital education, posted an intriguing little article called Why Canada Needs Five New Digital Universities on his blog at the Contact...
El gasto en la educación superior del Canadá
Canadian University Finances 2016-17 (Expenditures) September 5th, 2018 - Alex Usher Ver anterior blog sobre ingresos de las universidades canadienses Good morning. Yesterday, I took a look at some recent trends in income at Canadian universities; today I want to...
Evaluación de los docentes de educación superior: una mirada desde Canadá
Time to Talk Teaching Assessments Something very important happened over the summer: The Ryerson Faculty Union won its case against the university in Ontario Superior Court against the use of student teaching evaluations in tenure and promotion decisions (it...
Rector de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: financiación
El rector de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: “Necesitamos recibir, mínimo, el doble de financiación” La institución...
Hacia un primer grado europeo
Take plunge with European degree label, university leaders urge Label could be ‘first step’ towards automatically...
Politécnicos: el debate en Inglaterra
Could polytechnics be an answer to the problems facing HE? Nnamdi O Madichie 12 February 2025 The transformation of...
Escena preelectoral
Escena preelectoral "Atrapados en esta malla de memorias, relatos, deseos, ideas e ideologías, los actores se mueven...