TWO QUICK INTERNATIONAL STUDENT AID UPDATES OCTOBER 15, 2020 | ALEX USHER From Denmark and New Zealand, we have some very interesting policy developments to review. Let’s start down south, where Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Party seems to be cruising to a massive electoral...
Primarias en EEUU y propuestas demócratas para la educación superior
View as Webpage Higher Education and the Democratic Primaries, 2020 February 3rd 2020 - Alex Usher The Iowa caucuses take place south of the border tonight. The Democratic Primary has come down to four serious candidates – Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete...
Becas UNESCO-IESALC sobre políticas públicas en educación superior
IESALC anuncia Programa Internacional de Becas sobre políticas públicas en educación superior El Instituto Internacional de la UNESCO para la Educación Superior en América Latina y el Caribe (UNESCO/IESALC) anuncia su Programa Internacional de Becas sobre políticas...
EEUU: Gratuidad o becas en plataformas electorales de candidatos presidenciales
The Moderates' Alternative to Free College Joe Biden becomes latest Democratic presidential hopeful to call for huge increases in the federal Pell Grant program instead of free college policies favored by standard bearers on the left. By Andrew Kreighbaum, October 9,...
Tres viñetas sobre reforma de la educación superior en Holanda
Dutch consider breaking university selection ‘taboo’ The country’s increasingly similar universities also need to be forced to specialise, argues government advisory body June 26, 2019 By David Matthew The Netherlands is mulling bringing in widespread student...
Usher sobre ayudas estudiantiles: claves contemporáneas
View as Webpage Income Share Agreements Part 1 March 4th, 2019 - Alex Usher Every once in awhile, someone comes up a “new” concept in student financing and people get very excited about it. As in most other policy fields, the “newness” is a matter of perspective and...
Becas iberoamericanas
Nace el mayor portal de becas en Iberoamérica para potenciar la movilidad estudiantil Iberobecas, una iniciativa del Ministerio de Educación, aglutina datos sobre 15.000 programas de más de 200 instituciones de España y México. El objetivo es expandirla al resto de la...
OECD: ¿Es justa la gratuidad?
Is free higher education fair? Posted: 15 Nov 2017 05:28 AM PST by Andreas Schleicher Director, Directorate for Education and Skills Skills have become the currency of 21st century economies and, despite the significant increase the UK has seen in university...
Colombia: La crisis que está a punto de estallar en las universidades públicas
La crisis que está a punto de estallar en las universidades públicas Cerca de 70 instituciones de educación superior marcharán para exigir recursos. Por: Por: Simón Granja Matias 04 de octubre 2017 , 12:24 p.m. Después de varias cartas y pronunciamientos dirigidos al...
Argumentos en Canadá sobre precio de aranceles
Did CIBC Really Just Call for Lower Tuition? September 5th 2017 - Alex Usher Last week, HuffPost ran a story highlighting a newsletter from CIBC Economics about higher education. It was actually a pretty meandering letter (CIBC Economics pieces on higher education...
Hacia un primer grado europeo
Take plunge with European degree label, university leaders urge Label could be ‘first step’ towards automatically...
Politécnicos: el debate en Inglaterra
Could polytechnics be an answer to the problems facing HE? Nnamdi O Madichie 12 February 2025 The transformation of...
Escena preelectoral
Escena preelectoral "Atrapados en esta malla de memorias, relatos, deseos, ideas e ideologías, los actores se mueven...
Escuela y batalla contra la desinformación
La batalla contra la desinformación también se libra en la escuela La educación actual se desenvuelve en medio de un...