
Idea moderna de universidad: de Alemania a EEUU a China

Empire of Ideas: Creating the Modern University from Germany to America to China with William C. Kirby The history of the research university is a much-discussed thing. Fundamentally, these histories tend to focus on two countries: Germany, where it all began in 1810...

Alemania y académicos y estudiantes de Ucrania

  GERMANY-UKRAINE Germany to host 100,000 Ukrainian academics and students Michael Gardner  01 April 2022 Joybrato Mukherjee, president of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), has visited Poland to discuss how Germany’s eastern neighbour is supporting...

Alemania: Formación dual

Por qué en Alemania puedes conseguir un buen trabajo sin ir a la Universidad El 68% de los estudiantes alemanes que cursan FP Dual consiguen un empleo. En España, las trabas administrativas impiden el éxito del modelo ANA TORRES MENÁRGUEZ, Madrid 8 ENE 2018 - 08:03...

Educacion superior en Alemania hoy

Germany: an alternative route to excellence There’s a tension between Germany’s desire to be in the global elite of higher education while remaining egalitarian. John Morgan reports April 28, 2016 By John Morgan Twitter: @JMorganTHE Walking into the Humboldt...

Heidegger y nazismo

    Release of Heidegger’s ‘Black Notebooks’ Reignites Debate Over Nazi Ideology Jens Grossmann/Laif for The Chronicle “We knew that he had expressed anti-Semitism as private insights, but this shows anti-Semitism tied in to his philosophy,” says Peter...