
Trump y deuda de créditos estudiantiles

Trump’s Budget Could Eliminate Public-Service Loan Forgiveness. Here’s What to Know. May 17, 2017 by Nick DeSantis Budget documents obtained by The Washington Post paint a bleak picture for many federal education programs: The newspaper reported on Wednesday that...

Opiniones sobre créditos estudiantiles

Endeudar para gobernar y mercantilizar: el caso del CAE (2017) Por Fundación Sol, mayo 2017  “La promesa del aumento del acceso a la Educación Superior, se cumplió ampliamente. El año 2005 (antes de que comience a operar el CAE), se registra una matrı́cula total de...

Preocupaciones en sistema escolar de Finlandia

The Editors Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Editor’s note: This article is the first in an ongoing WPR series about education policy in various countries around the world. Last year, schools across Finland began implementing the country’s new National Curriculum Framework,...

El G9 y la reforma

El G9 y la reforma   Claudio Elórtegui, 9 de marzo de 2016 ¨La reforma debiera establecer criterios objetivos para que universidades creadas con posterioridad a 1980 pudieren también recibir el reconocimiento a su función pública, y ser incorporadas al CRUCh..."....

Inequidad educacional a la luz de PISA

Social inequalities in education are not set in stone Posted: 31 Jan 2017 02:00 AM PST by Carlos González-Sancho Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Most people see social inequities in education as stubbornly persistent. Children of wealthy and highly...