These countries spend the most on university research With the collaboration ofStatista 05 Nov 2019 Niall McCarthyData Journalist, Statista The World Economic Forum COVID Action Platform Explore the latest strategic trends, research and analysis The United States is...
Simón Schwartzman: Acesso à Internet dos estudantes de nível superior
Acesso à Internet dos estudantes de nível superior By Simon on May 15, 2020 03:11 pm O uso de recursos de internet para manter vivas as atividades das instituições de nível superior tem sido objeto de controvérsias, colocando, por um lado, os que advogam, como eu,...
Simón Schwartzman: Pandemia y educación superior
Nova postagem no blog de Simon Schwartzman View this email in your browser O Impacto da pandemia na Educação Superior By Simon on May 09, 2020 08:29 am (publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 8 de maio de 2020) O fechamento das faculdades colocou o ensino superior, em...
Michiko Kakutani: Nuevo York y la cultura de las humanidades
ESSAY: Coronavirus Notebook: Finding Solace, and Connection, in Classic Books By Michiko Kakutani, May 5, 2020 “The face of London was now indeed strangely altered,” Daniel Defoe wrote of an outbreak of bubonic plague in 1665 that would eventually claim the lives of...
Sobre investigación educacional y su uso
May 2020 | Volume 77 | Number 8 Learning and the Brain Pages 70-75 Issue Table of Contents | Read Article Abstract Education's Research Problem Daniel T. Willingham and Andrew J. Rotherham Educators and policymakers often ignore or distort scientific findings. Here's...
Webinars del Centre for Global Higher Education
La ciencia de la enseñanza
May 2020 | Volume 77 | Number 8 Learning and the Brain Pages 14-20 Issue Table of Contents | Read Article Abstract The Sciences of Teaching Carol Ann Tomlinson and David A. Sousa The fields of neuroscience and psychology, when paired, offer new insights on the...
Conversación sobre la peste, política y educación
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Ciencias sociales en tiempos de la peste
GLOBAL A new approach to social sciences, humanities in a time of crisis Jess Auerbach and Nina Hall 07 May 2020 In the last month, the uncertainty and disruption that has impacted on the globe has been felt hard in academia, and the social sciences and humanities...
Alex Usher propone repensar los créditos como medición del aprendizaje
CREDIT HOURS MAY 6, 2020 | ALEX USHER It’s hard to tell from the outside what universities are talking about these days, because there is this veil of secrecy up about what planning is happening. But I’ve heard that, at a couple of schools at least, the focus is very...
Manuel Gil Antón: La educación entre 2018 y 2024: la respuesta de la oposición
La educación entre 2018 y 2024: la respuesta de la oposición (Parte 6) Por: Manuel Gil Antón (Colaboración para El...
Higher education governance as a social contract: Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean
Brunner, J.J., Alarcón, M. Higher education governance as a social contract: Challenges for Latin America and the...
Un decano de Harvard habla sobre docencia y la universidad
Eric Mazur, decano de Harvard: “El fracaso es imprescindible en el aprendizaje y las notas lo estigmatizan” El físico...
Ceremonia de nombramiento como Profesor Emérito
Inicio/ Noticias/ José Joaquín Brunner es distinguido como Profesor Emérito UDP JOSÉ JOAQUÍN BRUNNER ES DISTINGUIDO...