Issue 2 of Prospects: Renewing the Social Contract for Education!
Agosto 1, 2024

Our long-awaited special issue is now here: Vol 54, Issue 2 of Prospects: Renewing the Social Contract for Education!

Sincere thanks to everyone for your thoughtful pieces, careful revisions, and multifaceted engagement with the proposals of the Report of the International Commission on the Future of Education. This issue marks a meaningful step in responding to the invitation to renew the social contract for education. Special thanks to Prospects Executive Editor Simona Popa for all of her support in bringing this special issue to publication.

Attached, you will find a flyer with the Table of Contents for the entire special issue. You are welcome to circulate it among your networks or use it on social media. I hope you will also get a chance to read the editorial by Stefania Giannini, UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Education, and the guest editors’ introduction article, which frames the special issue and mentions each of your articles. You may have also noticed pieces from this special issue highlighted at the recent WCCES Congress at Cornell University, and in UNESCO’s IdeasLab blog series.

Volume 54, Issue 2

June 2024

Special Issue: Renewing the social contract for education

Issue Editors:
  • Sobhi Tawil,
  • Elena Toukan
30 articles in this issue



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