Ranking de universidades con menos de 50 años
Mayo 15, 2024

Overall rank is calculated from scores for 13 different performances indicators, grouped into five categories: Teaching, Research, Research Influence, Innovation and International Outlook.

To produce the 13 indicators for each university, THE’s in-house data team analyses data that universities supply (for example, staff-to-student ratios, doctorates awarded, international students and research income), the results of a “reputation survey” sent to selected academics across the world, and information about published research papers and citations, using Elsevier’s Scopus database.

Each performance indicator (and correspondingly each of the five broader performance categories) is assigned a percentage weighting in the overall ranking score.

The Times Higher Education Young University Rankings list the world’s best universities that are 50 years old or younger.

The table is based on the same performance indicators as the flagship THE World University Rankings, but the weightings have been adjusted to give less weight to reputation. The 2024 editions of the rankings introduces significant updates to the original methodology.

The universities are judged across all their core missions – teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook – to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparisons available.

The 2024 ranking includes 673 universities, up from 605 in 2023. A further 499 institutions are listed with “reporter” status, meaning that they provided data but did not meet our eligibility criteria to receive a rank.

View the Young University Rankings 2024 methodology

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore tops the league table for the second year in a row.

Hong Kong continues to have a strong presence in the top 10, but it’s a mixed picture in terms of individual university performance. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has slipped from second to third place and Hong Kong Polytechnic University from fourth to seventh, but City University of Hong Kong has risen two places to fourth.

Meanwhile, France’s top institutions all improve. Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University Paris, its top performer, is now second, up from third last year.

Turkey has the highest number of institutions ranked, at 58, followed by India with 55 and Iran with 46.

The number of territories featured in the table rises to 79, one more than in 2023. Ghana and Peru both make their debut.


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