![]() ISSN 0104-4036 printed version |
General rules The purpose of ENSAIO Journal is to publish articles related to Education on topics about teaching, research and extension, focusing on Evaluation, Assessment and / or Public Policy. The papers should be accompanied by a statement signed by the author(s), authorizing their publication in ENSAIO Journal. When accepted, papers will be published in print and electronically, the latter through the site of SciELO Brazil (www.scielo.br). The copyright of the articles belongs to Cesgranrio Foundation, and it also applies to the revised test, in its complete or partial reproduction, as well as the eventual citations. |
Manuscripts’ form and presentation
Presentation Ensaio Journal receives publications in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The original articles must have a minimum of 15 pages and a maximum of 30 in 1.5 space, with 35 lines. To each article, author(s) must attach his/their telephone number(s), e-mail address, etc…, as well as a short resume of the author(s). Articles’ Structure The text should be preceded by the title, the name and the main title of the author(s), as well as the institutional affiliation and e-mail, followed by a summary/abstract which should include all the important concepts of the article and their correlations, setting out the main conclusions. This summary, as well as the title of the article, must be submitted in English, Portuguese and Spanish, containing a maximum of four key-words (descriptors) and not more than 1,000 characters, including spaces. The list of bibliographical references should be placed at the end of the article, according to the rules of the Brazilian Standards (NBR 6023/2002), in alphabetical order (by author’s surname and initials of the names and in some cases, brought by an entity or title) , containing only what was quoted in the text. References are the responsibility of the author(s). Examples of references: COSTA JUNIOR, P. J. Title: subtitle. Place: Publisher, date. (Series) |
The policy of ENSAIO encourages the right of replying to comments to articles published in the JOURNAL. If the comment is accepted for publication, the Editor should inform the author(s) of the original article. If the author sends a response to the comment, the Editor will reserve a specific space for the Journal’s comments and the response. The answer should appear in the same edition of the commentary, or further editing. |
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