Educación superior global: Procesos de internacionalización
Julio 7, 2014

Dear CIES Higher Education SIG members and followers,

Please find below some information about the 5th Comparative Education Forum at Beijing Normal University.
For the fifth consecutive time, the Institute of International and Comparative Education, Beijing Normal University, with strong support from the China Comparative Education Society, is pleased to announce that it will host this triennial Forum on September 27th -28th, 2014, with the theme of “Global Educational Reform: Internationalization, Regionalization, and Localization”, unique in that it is designed to provide a platform for a wide range of Chinese education researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and their foreign counterparts to share experiences, exchange ideas, establish collaborations, and discuss potential solutions about these topics. 


We are honored to invite world renowned experts in comparative education professor Wang Yingjie from Beijing Normal University, professor Gita Steiner-Khamsi from Columbia University, professor Karen Mundy from University of Toronto and professor Dominique Groux from Universite des Antilles et de la Guyaneto to deliver keynote speeches for the conference. We have also set eight sub-themes for this conference, they are International educational tests and basic education quality monitoring, International schools, international curricula and development of “global competencies”, Cross-border education and student mobility, Development of Chinese universities abroad and of foreign universities in China, particularly joint or dual-degree issues, International organizations and global education governance, ICT and internationalization of education, Internationalization of education and teacher development and  Development of the field of Comparative and International Education. About notification of the conference, you can log for the specific information, the English version is on the website


We sincerely invite you to join in this great event and we will appreciate if you could circulate it to your colleagues and friends.


There are two deadlines need to be highlighted:

1. Deadline for Registration/Abstract Submission

See registration form in the website above. The form, which includes abstract submission, should be submitted to wfce2014@ on or before June 30, 2014.


2. Deadline for Papers

The full paper must be submitted to wfce2014@ on or before July 30, 2014 to be scheduled for presentation (no more than 20 minutes) at the Forum.


If you have any questions about the conference, feel free to contact us.

Contact: Mr. Yunzhen Lv

Tel: +86-1881-3148-613

E-mail: [email protected]



Jorge Enrique Delgado, PhD
Director of Editing Services,
Instructor, Department of Administrative & Policy Studies, School of Education/Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh
Editor-in-chief, scientific journal Universitas Odontologica,
Secretary, Higher Education SIG, Comparative and International Education Society


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