OCDE sobre evaluación docente en Chile y el mundo
Noviembre 28, 2013

Versión electrónica de la  publicación sobre evaluación docente en Chile, ver aquí:


Este informe fue hecho en el contexto de un proyecto sobre políticas de evaluación educativa en sistemas escolares (www.oecd.org/edu/evaluationpolicy), el cual  culminó con el informe comparativo final “Synergies for Better Learning”: //www.oecd.org/edu/school/Evaluation_and_Assessment_Synthesis_Report.pdf <pdf>, pp. 674 [This report provides an international comparative analysis and policy advice to countries on how evaluation and assessment arrangements can be embedded within a consistent framework to improve the quality, equity and efficiency of school education.]

The scope and focus of each review is determined by the country in consultation with the Secretariat, depending on the present arrangements, their strengths and challenges, and country priorities. By providing an external perspective on evaluation and assessment issues, the Country Reviews are also intended to contribute to national discussions and inform other countries about policy innovations underway.

Each country review includes an intensive country visit to fully understand the country’s context, policies and practices and includes meetings with all major stakeholders. After the visit, the review team prepares a Country Review report.

Fourteen countries chose to take part in a Country Review:
AustraliaBelgium (Flemish Community)Chile, Czech Republic, DenmarkLuxembourgMexico, NetherlandsNew Zealand, NorwayPortugalSlovak Republic, Sweden and the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland).


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