What Matters Most for Student Assessment Systems: A Framework Paper By Marguerite ClarkeAlso available in Portuguese and Russian The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of what matters most for building a more effective student assessment system. The focus is on systems for assessing student learning and achievement at the primary and secondary levels. The paper extracts principles and guidelines from countries’ experiences, professional testing standards, and the current research base. The goal is to provide national policy makers, education ministry officials, development organization staff, and other stakeholders with a framework and key indicators for diagnosis, discussion, and consensus-building around how to construct a sound and sustainable student assessment system that will support improved education quality and learning for all. |
Developing the Enabling Context for Student Assessment in Chile (updated edition) By Maria-Jose RamirezAlso available in Russian Developing a strong assessment system is a priority for many countries. But where should they start? This paper describes the journey experienced by Chile to develop the enabling context (policies, institutions, and human and fiscal resources) for its large-scale assessment program, its university entrance examinations, and classroom assessment activities. Countries aiming to develop their assessment system may draw valuable lessons from this case study. |
Disseminating and Using Student Assessment Information in Chile By Maria-Jose Ramirez Student assessment plays a key role in improving education. However, many countries do not disseminate and make effective use of their student assessment information. This paper discusses Chile’s effective use of its assessment information and draws lessons for other countries. A key lesson from the Chilean experience is that effective use of assessment information is a challenging task that takes time, effort, and resources. Another lesson is that the task requires leadership, long-term planning, and consensus building. Countries able to learn from Chile’s lessons will be in a better position to make effective use of their student assessments and, ultimately, to contribute to education quality and learning. |
Review of World Bank Support for Student Assessment Activities in Client Countries 1998-2009. By Julia Liberman and Marguerite Clarke As more and more countries—both developed and developing—havebecome interested in collecting information on student learning, there hasbeen a concomitant growth in the demand for strong student assessment systems. The World Bank is at the forefront of efforts to support developing countries in the strengthening of their student assessment systems. This paper provides an overview of the World Bank’s support for assessment activities in its client countries between 1998 and 2009. the paper highlights key lessons learned from this experience and offers guidance to development staff and country teams for the more effective design and implementation of assessment activities in education projects. |
The Development of the Student Assessment System in New Zealand. By L. Flockton New Zealand is a relatively high-performing country according to international assessments. It has transited the journey to develop a strong student assessment system. This paper describes this journey, highlighting drivers that helped shape the assessment system, and drawing lessons for other countries aiming to undertake this journey. This case study shows that New Zealand revamped its assessment system in the context of broader education and curricular reforms. A new vision of assessment for learning was realized in national large-scale assessment, secondary school examinations, and classroom assessment activities. Key drivers that allowed these reformes to take place were strong leadership at all levels of the education system, clear vision and agreed upon principles, stakeholders who are assessment literate, and regulations that gave discretion to the schools to self-monitor their performance. |
Developing the Enabling Context for School-Based Assessment in Queensland, Australia. By Reg Allen The State of Queensland in Australia offers a unique example of how an assessment program can embody the principles of assessment of, as, and for learning. Queensland’s assessment program can serve as a model for other countries wanting to explore more effective ways to measure student learning at the secondary level. This is especially relevant given the global discussion on how to create assessments that are more valid, demanding, and not limited by the constraints of traditional, multiple-choice, paper-and-pencil formats. It also is relevant given the discussion on how to improve the teaching force and foster professional development amongst teachers. |
Developing the Enabling Context for Student Assessment in Brazil. By Maria Helena Guimaraes de Castro This case study analyzes Brazil’s experience in developing its student assessment system. Brazil’s story should prove particularly interesting to those aiming to understand how a large (and, in this case, federal) country can successfully implement extensive reforms of its assessment system. In Brazil’s case, the reforms involved developing a comprehensive policy framework for the support and funding of assessment activities; creating an autonomous, federal institution to be in charge of key assessment programs; ensuring stable and sufficient funding; and developing in-country capacity to carry out assessment tasks. Several factors allowed for these reforms to take hold. Among the most important were: stable political leadership; making education, and the need to monitor education quality, a national priority; and partnerships with nongovernmental institutions. |
Desavenencias en 3 niveles
Desavenencias en 3 niveles "Lo que está ocurriendo en las derechas es un verdadero sismo ideológico". José Joaquín...