Higher Learning Research Communications
A comprehensive international journal committed to the advancement of higher education, its social impact and practice
Higher Learning Research Communications is open for submissions to be included in the first issue.
The Journal aims to advance knowledge on all aspects concerning teaching and learning in higher education. Through better understanding of institutional policy and actual practice in this area, it seeks to foster the collaboration of innovative minds and the best of the practice, and offer forward thinking and global thought leadership. A broad coverage calls for international involvement to nurture the
global environment in which higher education evolves. Innovative approaches for teaching and learning as well as policies and best practices are in the very core of the scope of the Journal.
All papers with relevance to the journal scope are welcome. Authors must register with the journal prior to submitting their proposal. Submissions must meet the submission criteria defined in the Guide for Authors. The Deadline for submission is November 1st, 2010. Full manuscripts meeting the journal
guidelines will be reviewed.
Instructions for submission:
1. Register as an author for Higher Learning Research Communications:
2. Follow the submission criteria detailed in the Submissions page:
3. Special Request: Notify the journal publisher via email ([email protected])
of your intent to write a submission for the first issue of the journal.
4. Submit full manuscript online by November 1st, 2010.
Susan Saxton
Walden University
Andrés Bernasconi
Universidad Andrés Bello
Chile Spain
Juan Salcedo
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Drummond Bone ∙
Joseph Duffey
Manuel Krauskopf
Richard Riley
David Wilson
Agueda Benito
Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
José Joaquín Brunner
Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
Manuel Campuzano
Universidad Tecnológica de México
Simón Cueva
Universidad de Las Américas, Ecuador
Leopoldo de Meis
UFRJ, Brazil
Ana Fanelli
CEDES, Argentina
Carlos Enrique González
Universidad del Valle de México
Halil Guven
Bilgi University, Turkey
Daniel Levy
University at Albany -SUNY, USA
David López
National Hispanic University, USA
Rogerio Meneghini
Scielo/Bireme/PAHO, Brazil
David Post
Pennsylvania State University, USA
Germán Ramírez
Laureate Education, USA
Graciela Risco
UPC, Peru
Jamil Salmi
World Bank, USA
Simon Schwartzman
IETS, Brazil
Chris Stephenson
Istanbul Bilgi, Turkey
Ned Strong
Harvard University, USA
Dominic Szambowski
Blue Mountain Hotel Schools, Australia
Claudia Uribe
IDB, Washington, DC
Despina Varnava-Marouchou
European University Cyprus
Iris Yob
Walden University, USA
Carmen M. Mendez
[email protected]
Laureate Center on Leadership & Management for Higher Education
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