NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education is pleased to announce the inaugural issue of Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice (formerly NASPA Journal).
Los artículos del primer número de la revista son los diguientes (pueen visitarse en:
Special Features
Underlying Paradigms in Student Affairs Research and Practice
Florence M. Guido, Alicia F. Chávez, and Yvonna S. Lincoln
Innovations in Research and Scholarship Features
Melvene Draheim Hardee: A Touchstone of the Profession
Sally E. Click and Michael D. Coomes
College Men’s Experiences as Men: Findings and Implications from Two Grounded Theory Studies6
Frank Harris III and Keith E. Edwards
Innovations in Practice Features
The 2008 Amendments to the Americans with Disabilities Act: Implications for Student Affairs Practitioners
Lisa A. Burke, John Friedl, and Michelle Rigler
Building Bridges: Community College Practitioners as Retention Leaders10
Michael J. Stebleton and LeAnne Schmidt
International Features
Student Transfer Policies and Practices in the United States and Europe: Mobility without Loss of Credit
Megan M. Chase
Media Features and Reviews
Review of College Organization and Professional Development: Integrating Moral Reasoning and Reflective Practice
Frank Shushok Jr.
Demystifying Social Media
Frank Michael Muñoz and Katherine C. Strotmeyer
Review of Learning as a Way of Leading: Lessons from the Struggle for Social Justice
Jessica White
The Toolbox Newsletters,
Jennifer L. Bloom
Review of Working-Class Students at Radcliffe College, 1940-1970: The Intersection of Gender, Social Class, and Historical Context
Will Barratt
About this journal
The mission of Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice is to publish the most rigorous, relevant, and well-respected research that makes a difference in student affairs practice. Formerly known as NASPA Journal, Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice fosters open and critical discourse within and across disciplines from the perspective of student affairs in higher education. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice is indexed in Educational Indexes/Abstracts and ERIC.
Nota sobre a feminização do ensino superior brasileiro
Nota sobre a feminização do ensino superior brasileiro By Simon Schwartzman on Mar 04, 2025 10:31 am No Brasil,...