Murió en estos días Burton (Bob) R. Clark, el más influyente sociólogo de la educación superior, cuyos libros y artículos (más su Enciclopedia editada con Guy Neave) dieron lugar a toda una rama de estudios sobre las organizaciones universitarias y la coordinación de sistemas universitarios nacionales masivos, diferenciados y complejos.
Se ha ido el mejor y más grande de este campo de estudios y echaremos de menos su imaginación intelectual y su productividad académica.
Para una lista de sus publicaciones y vr su enorme impacto puede consultarse Google Scholar aquí. puede
Algunas de sus publicaciones recientes:
• Creating Entrepreneurial Universities: Organizational Pathways of Transformation, Oxford: Pergamon-Elsevier Science, 1998.
• “Collegial Entrepreneurialism in Proactive Universities: Lessons from Europe,” Change, Jan/Feb, 2000: 10–19.
• “Developing a Career in the Study of Higher Education,” in Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, edited by John C. Smart. Vol. 15. Flemington, NJ: Agathon Press, 2000. Pp. 1-36.
• “The Entrepreneurial University: New Foundations for Collegiality, Autonomy, and Achievement,”Higher Education Management, 13 (2) 2001: 9–24.
• “University Transformation: Primary Pathways to University Autonomy, and Achievement,” in Steven Brint (ed), The Future of the City of Intellect: The Changing American University. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2002. Pp.322–342.
• “Sustaining Change in Universities: Continuities in Case Studies and Concepts,” Tertiary Education and Management 9 (2003): 99–116.
• “The Organizational Foundations of University Capability: Differentiation and Competition in the Academic Sector of Society,” in Jeffrey C. Alexander, Gary T. Marx, and Christine L. Williams, (eds), Self, Social Structure, and Beliefs: Explorations in Sociology (essays in honor of Neil Smelser). Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 2004. Pp.168–187.
• Sustaining Change in Universities: Continuities in Case Studies and Concepts. Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK: The Open University Press-McGraw-Hill, 2004
• “Delineating the Character of the Entrepreneurial University,” Higher Education Policy 17, 2004: 355–370.
•“Genetic Entrepreneurialism among American Universities,” Higher Education Forum, 2, March 2005: 1-17.
•“Development of the Sociology of Higher Education” and “A Note on Pursuing Things that Work” in Sociology of Higher Education: Contributions and Their Contexts,” edited by Patricia J. Gumport. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. Pp. 3-16; 319-324.
• On Higher Education: Selected Writings, 1956-2006. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
El problema con los gurús de la pedagogía
El problema con los gurús de la pedagogía Estos aspirantes a insurgentes ofrecen poco más que procedimientos...