Ponencia presentada por J. J. Brunner el día 27 de marzo 2008 con ocasión del Seminario Internacional Vigencia y Urgencia del Pensamiento de Pierre Bourdieu, realizado por el Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales (ICSO) de la Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile, 27 y 28 marzo 2008.
A propósito de Bourdieu, mi ponencia reflexiona sobre el papel del sociólogo como intelectual público en la esfera del poder y las políticas gubernamentales. Con este fin abordo tres cuestiones. Primero, la paradojal ausencia de Bourdieu en el campo contemporáneo de estudios de la educación superior. Segundo, el análisis bourdiano de la institución educacional aplicado a la masificación de los estudios superiores. Tercero, sus propuestas para orientar políticas de reforma educacional en la Francia de los pasados años ´80. No pretendo que estas tres aproximaciones se hallen orgánicamente entrelazadas; sólo que ayuden a articular esta reflexión.
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Recursos asociados
Craig Calhoun, Pierre Bpurdieu
Loic Wacquant, Perre Bourdieu
Loic Wacquant, Following Pierre Bourdieu into the field
Loic Wacquant, Symbolic Power and Democratic Practice
Loic Wacquant, Habitus
Loic Wacquant, Critical Thought as Solvent of Doxa
Loic Wacquant, The Sociological Life of Pierre Bourdieu
Loic Wacquant, Pointers on Pierre Bourdieu and Democratic Politics
Loic Wacquant and Craig Valhoun, “Everything is Social”: In memoriam Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002)
Artículos de David Swarz sobre Piere Bourdieu, entre ellos (todos con acceso al texto en PDF):
– Recasting Power in Its Third Dimension. Theory and Society 36-1 (2007).
– Pierre Bourdieu and North American Political Sociology: Why He doesn’t Fit in But Should. Presented to the European Consortium For Political Research 3rd Annual Meeting (September 8-10, 2005) and forthcoming (2006) in French Politics.
– Le sociologique critique et l’intellectuel public. Pierre Bourdieu, sociologue. ed. Louis Pinto, Gisèle Sapiro, et al. Paris, Fayard (2004): 393-411.
– The State as the Central Bank of Symbolic Credit. Presented to the American Sociological Association 99th Annual Meeting (August 14-17, 2004).
– Special Issue on the Sociology of Symbolic Power. Theory and Society 32-5 (2003): contents.
– Drawing Inspiration from Bourdieu’s Sociology of Symbolic Power.Theory and Society 32-5/6 (2003): 519-528.
– From Critical Sociology to Public Intellectual: Pierre Bourdieu and Politics.Theory and Society 32-5/6 (2003): 791-823.
– Pierre Bourdieu’s Political Sociology and Governance Perspectives. In Governance as Social and Political Communication (ed) Henrik P. Bang, pp. 140-158. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2003.
– From Correspondence to Contradiction and Change: Schooling in Capitalist America Revisited.Sociological Forum 18-1(2003):167-186.
-In Memoriam: Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002).Theory and Society 31-4(2002):547-553.
– Social Reproduction. In Education and Sociology: An Encyclopedia (eds) David L. Levinson, Peter W. Cookson, Jr., Alan R. Sadovnik, pp. 551-557. New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002.
– The Sociology of Habit: The Perspective of Pierre Bourdieu. In The Occupational Therapy Journal of Research 22-1(2002):61S-69S.
– Le capital culturel dans la sociologie de l’éducation américaine. In The Éditions du Croquant ed. G Mauger, pp. 453-65-1(2005).
Stephen Toumino, Pierre Bourdieu as New Global Intellectual for Capital
Poerre Carles, Pierre Bourdieu (1930–2002): A Tribute and a Portrait
Karl Maton, Pierre Bourdieu and the Epistemic Conditions of Social Scientific Knowledge
Steven Engler, Modern times: Religion, Consecration and the State in Bourdieu
Frederic Lebaron, Pierre Bourdieu : Economic Models against Economism
Alan Warde, Practice and field: Revising bourdieusian concepts
Audrey Devine-Eller, Rethinking Bourdieu on Race: A Critical Review of Cultural Capital and Habitus in the Sociology of Education Qualitative Literature
Niilo Kauppi, Elements for a Structural Constructivist Theory of Politics and of European Integration
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