El Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE) de la Universidad de California, Berkeley, muestra entre sus publicaciones más recientes (todas con acceso para bajarlas), las siguientes:
— Does Diversity Matter in the Education Process? An Exploration of Student Interactions by Wealth, Religion, Politics, Race, Ethnicity and Immigrant Status at the University of California , by Steven Chatman, CSHE.3.5.2008 (March 2008).
Abstract: This exploration into student interactions that improve understanding, student attachment, and demographic characteristics of students attending the University of California in the spring of 2006 finds the University to be a diverse and healthy environment. Interactions among students with demographic differences are frequent and are rarely associated with decreased sense of belonging. The research offers quantitative measures for legal concepts like critical mass and compelling state interest. Overall, rich or poor, religious or not religious, immigrant or Mayflower, Republican or Democrat, underrepresented minority or overrepresented majority, UC students feel that they belong at the University of California. In spite of strong scores across the board and only a few relative deficiencies, the University is encouraged to expand discussions about diversity, to launch a more thorough examination of campus climate generally, and to especially consider the experiences of low income and African American students.
— Ethics and Leadership: Reflections From A Public Research University , by C. Judson King, CSHE.3.08 (March 2008)
Abstract: Issues of ethics and leadership are important, growing and intense in universities. Five examples are discussed, drawn from the personal experience of the author. These involve the selection of research, the collection and use of ethically sensitive materials, major relationships with industry and donors, access and admissions, and the content of education itself. Analyses of these cases are couched in terms of some of the major trends affecting public research universities, with one conclusion being that the most challenging situations are those where multiple ethical standards are pertinent, and conflict with one another.
— Entrepreneurial University: India’s Response , by Dr. Asha Gupta. CSHE 2.2008 (March 2008)
Abstract: The object of this paper is to analyze the concepts of ‘entrepreneurship’ and ‘entrepreneurial university’ in the broader context of globalization, technological innovations and the emergence of knowledge-based and technology-driven economies. Instead of epistemological and organizational forms of knowledge production and dissemination, the universities today are required to play a protagonist role by training productive intellectual resource and generation of new knowledge that could be converted into wealth or social gains. They are no longer confined to teaching ‘about’ entrepreneurship but are actively engaged in teaching ‘for’ entrepreneurship. Instead of preparing their students for seamless path to work, the universities are required to prepare them for uncertainties, complexities and vulnerabilities in future. Besides highlighting some of the issues at stake, an attempt is made to understand the economics, philosophy and legality behind the whole idea of entrepreneurial universities in general and in India, in particular. The idea of social entrepreneurship is also introduced in the context of India. The methodology adopted is analytical, descriptive and empirical.
— Report: The University as Publisher: Summary of a Meeting Held at UC Berkeley on November 1, 2007, Diane Harley (ed). CSHE.1.08 (February 2008)
Sobre el CSHE
The Center for Studies in Higher Education at UC Berkeley is a multi-disciplinary research and policy center on higher education oriented to California, the nation, and comparative international issues.
CSHE promotes discussion among university leaders, government officials, and academics; assists policy-making by providing a neutral forum for airing contentious issues; and keeps the higher education world informed of new initiatives and proposals. The Center’s research aims to inform current debate about higher education policy and practice.
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