Se encuentra en circualción la edición N° 1 del 2007 de la revista Education Next de la Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
Games Charter Opponents Play
How local school boards—and their allies—block the competition
Joe Williams
Courtroom Alchemy
Adequacy advocates turn guesstimates into gold
James Guthrie, Matthew Springer
New Leaders for Troubled Schools
Jacquelyn Davis works with D.C.’s education bureaucracy
Tyler Currie
Learning Facts
The brave new world of data-informed instruction
Julie Landry Petersen
Preschool Is School, Sometimes
Making early childhood education matter
Robert Pianta
The NCLB Restruct-a-tron
Does the law’s great big machine for overhauling schools produce anything worthwhile?
Easy Way Out
“Restructured” usually means little has changed
Sara Mead
Charters as a Solution?
So far, states and districts have opted for anything but
Nelson Smith
Photo Finish
Teacher Certification Doesn’t Guarantee a Winner
Thomas Kane, Jonah Rockoff, Douglas Staiger
Judging Money
When courts decide how to spend taxpayer dollars
Josh Dunn, Martha Derthick
check the facts
The NCES Private-Public School Study
Findings are other than they seem
Paul Peterson, Elena Llaudet
from the editors
Misdirected Energy
Schools get an A in resisting reform.
Michael Petrilli
the legal beat
Affirmative Action Docketed
The Supreme Court takes up race-based school assignment
Josh Dunn, Martha Derthick
Readers Respond
Teacher Gender; Hope in New Orleans; Miracle Math; PE in Schools; Newark’s Cory Booker; National Standards
book reviews
The Triumph of Look-Say
Dumbing-down reading instruction
Diane Ravitch
The “Crits” Capture Presidential Power
Top Education researchers denounce scientific research
Nathan Glazer
what next
No Business Like Show Business
Hollywood and Hip-Hop Discover Charter Schools
Michael Petrilli
school life
Reflections on the One-Room Schoolhouse
If children showed any aptitude and ambition for learning, they were not hampered by restrictions [or] rules
Polly Pope Hirsch
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Revista PEL Vol. 61, Núm. 1
El Vol. 61 Núm. 1 de Pensamiento Educativo, Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana (PEL) reúne nueve...