Peabody Journal of Education, 80 (1), Copyright © 2005, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Este artículo corresponde al discurso de recepción del Premio Kneller 2004 otorgado por la Comparative and Internacional Education Society (CIES). Traza el itinerario seguido por la investigación educacional en Amíerca Latina, particularmente en Chile, durante las últimas tres décadas, en un entorno de fuertes cambios políticos, sociales y culturales.
Palabras claves: democracia, autoritarismo, ideologías, investigación comparada
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Latin America’s tumultuous changes over the last 30 years have posed dramatic challenges for educational policy and practice. Today, almost everywhere there is the realization that education holds the key to contemporary development; however, academic achievement and greater equity involve a complex relation among policy, school structure, and research capacity. During this period, these variables have interacted in vital and sometimes surprising ways. By taking 4 benchmark dates—1970, 1973, 1990, and today—this article shows how educational research has responded to direct (and random) political and policy pressures and why now, as in the past, a comparative perspective remains a necessary (although not sufficient) component for future research and policy.