CHEMS was initiated in 1993 as part of the Commonwealth Higher Education Support Scheme (CHESS) through the Commonwealth Secretariat. Throughout that period of time, CHEMS has been supported by the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) and has received pump-priming funds from the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation (CFTC), from UNESCO and the UK’s Overseas Development Administration. Between 1994 and 2001, CHEMS undertook some 70 consultancies, advising and helping universities, governments and higher education agencies world-wide to tackle and solve their management problems. CHEMS ceased operating as a consultancy service in January 2001.
Through the financial support of the CFTC, an extensive series of publications on management issues in higher education have been developed during the years of CHEMS operation. These publications are produced in hard copy, with the majority also available electronically.
El problema con los gurús de la pedagogía
El problema con los gurús de la pedagogía Estos aspirantes a insurgentes ofrecen poco más que procedimientos...