
Tuning Journal for Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 1 (2020)

Current issue Previous issues Submissions Contact Announcements About Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020): From international governance to individualised learning: The complexity of contemporary higher education Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020): From international governance to individualised...

Brasil: Riesgos para la autonomía universitaria

Rise in threats to university autonomy, academic freedom Marcelo Knobel and Fernanda Leal  14 November 2020 In previous articles, including in University World News, we summarised critical policy changes in Brazilian higher education since President Jair Bolsonaro...

Malestar de universidades, desidia gubernamental

Columnistas Viernes 13 de noviembre de 2020 Malestar de universidades, desidia gubernamental "No se entiende que asista a este debate como convidado de piedra".    José Joaquín Brunner Desde su origen medieval, las universidades luchan por su autonomía frente a los...

Querellas entre U de Stanford y Hoover Institution

Why Some Stanford Professors Want the Hoover Institution Gone Controversial pandemic pronouncements test an uneasy relationship. By Tom Bartlett NOVEMBER 9, 2020 At a recent Faculty Senate meeting, Stanford’s provost, Persis Drell, told professors that they shouldn’t...

Educación Superior: Si gana Biden, ¿qué?

What a Biden Win Would Mean for Higher Education If the Democrat wins, he will have to govern by executive order, much as his predecessor did. By Robert Kelchen NOVEMBER 5, 2020 While the final results of the 2020 election are not yet certain, it appears that Joe...