
GPT y la academia

After a year of ChatGPT, is academia getting to grips with generative AI? Students love it but faculty typically hate it. Both are asking for help with it. But how close are institutions to devising AI policies that protect both academic integrity and student...

Entrevista CNN: Condonación de la deuda

      Imprimir    Cerrar Fecha: 30-11-2023 Fuente: Canal CNN Chile Programa: Noticias Express Inicio: 09:05 Final: 09:14 Duración: 00:08:38   Video aquí ENTREVISTA A JOSÉ JOAQUÍN BRUNNER, ACADÉMICO UDP, EXMINISTRO Entrevista a José Joaquín Brunner, académico UDP,...

México, universidades y UNAM

Will a new president end Mexico’s stand-off over university policy? Mexican president Andrés Manuel López-Obrador has expanded university access but is accused of ideological attacks on institutions, overly zealous corruption clampdowns and a misguided power grab over...

Trump propone universidad gratuita

A Free, Online National University Is Trump’s Latest Higher-Ed Idea. Here’s What Experts Think. By  Eric Kelderman, NOVEMBER 2, 2023 STEVE HELBER, AP IMAGES Donald J. Trump speaks at Liberty U. in 2016. Former President Donald J. Trump is adding his voice to the many...

La revinculación con la escuela

EDUCACIÓN Juan Cristóbal Romero: “El valor de la educación como el gran motor del crecimiento personal y el desarrollo hoy está en duda en Chile” El director ejecutivo del Hogar de Cristo alerta sobre el aumento de los jóvenes que abandonan el sistema escolar y sobre...