
Sciences Po – Paris en la huella de Macron

Macron Efecto French president's alma mater sees surge in international applications. By Jack Grove for Times Higher Education February 9, 2018 Emmanuel Macron’s rapid rise to France’s presidency was always likely to raise the international profile of his alma mater....

Ecpnomista cuestiona utilidad de la educación

An Economist Argues That Our Education System Is Largely By Scott Carlson JANUARY 29, 2018 Copyright © 2018 The Chronicle of Higher Education Economics, it has been said, is the dismal science, and Bryan Caplan is pessimistic indeed. A professor of economics at George...

Gratuidad: Propuesta del PSOE en España

El PSOE propone que la primera matrícula universitaria sea gratis "No queremos que nadie pierda la oportunidad de estudiar en la universidad", ha anunciado Pedro Sánchez en Sevilla Madrid 23 ENE 2018 - 17:22 CET "No queremos que nadie pierda la oportunidad de estudiar...

Ingresos de universidades y colleges en Canadá

College Revenues versus University Revenues January 18th, 2018 - Alex Usher As you all know, I spend a lot of time analyzing university finances, mainly because the data is easy to get and is quite detailed (Canadian higher education statistics are disastrous in many...

Formación de doctorado: competencias

¿Para qué estamos formando a los mejores doctores de la historia? La formación en las competencias investigadoras se ha convertido en el foco de atención por parte de las agencias de calidad universitarias JUAN ARTURO RUBIO AROSTEGUI 11 ENE 2018 - 16:43 CET España se...

Alex Usher: Universidad neoliberal (5)

Last Orders on Neoliberalism (Neoliberalism Part 5) November 24th, 2017 - Alex Usher To sum up the week's arguments: Neoliberalism is about markets.  There are actually very few genuine markets in higher education and where there are they can be quite beneficial...